
This goofy paternity photo trend has dads posing as their pregnant wives

Wait, what? These silly pregnancy photos will have you doing a double take.

pregnant dad illusion

Photo: @minori_sun via Instagram

If you thought those creepy baby shower cakes were a little weird, just wait until you see these slightly-bizarre paternity photo shoots taking over social media. 

This new and silly parenting trend features couples strategically hiding behind objects to create an interesting illusion: Dads with bumps.

It may take you a while to figure out what's happening. The mom-to-be will get behind a door or wall and hide her head, while making sure her very pregnant belly sticks out. Then the dad will poke out his face making it look like the baby bump is his own. Creative, right?

Viewers may have to do a little double-take, but once they get past the floating head above the pregnant belly, it's actually pretty funny. It's a fairly easy illusion to accomplish—just make sure the photographer takes it from a convincing angle. More importantly, though, it's a funny photo that will definitely have your kids laughing when they're older.

Check out some of our favourites:


The expression on this dad's face is hilarious!

This dad looks like he's going incognito...

Although the trend has been popping up all over Instagram lately, Ronnie from Jersey Shore supposedly started it last April, after his own photo went viral on Twitter

As funny as the photos are, it's also important to note that seeing a man with facial hair and a swollen pregnant belly shouldn’t come off as too bizarre. There are trans men who have gotten pregnant in real life, so playing on the shock value of seeing a pregnant man is admittedly a bit transphobic. 

However, we're sure these parents-to-be don't have any malicious intent with these photos, and the trend is mostly just a playful photo idea. Pregnancy isn't always fun and games, so it’s good that these couples aren’t taking themselves TOO seriously. 


Let’s just hope that sense of humour sticks around after the baby’s born.

Read more: This video of a mom’s first time getting tipsy after pregnancy is the funniest thing you’ll see all day 13 absolutely ridiculous pregnancy stock photos

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