Baby got back!
This super cute Instagram trend is giving a whole new meaning to the word bumpkin!
Parents are getting in the spirit of the fall season by painting their babies' bums like pumpkins and sharing them on Instagram with the hashtag #pumpkinbutt. And trust us: These babes are cute. Take a look now. Bottoms up!
Sun's out, bum's out.
Butt prints are the new handprints.
This baby is adorable, and there are no ifs, ands, or butts about it!
Cutest pumpkin in the patch.
Just booty-ful!
Two pumpkins are better than one.
Double trouble!
We want to stop now—butt we just can't. Too cute.
What a cutie pa-booty!
However, not all parents are big fans of the new trend. If you don't want to share your baby's bottom (no matter how cute and squishy it is) on a public platform, one possible solution is the equally adorable pumpkin diaper. That way, your little pumpkin seed won't be orange in the face when she sees the photos once she's all gourd—we mean grown—up?
But we'll probably never get to the bottom of this booty debate, so let's just enjoy this cuteness! After all, these cuties may be the butt of the joke, but they're definitely doing October right.
Read more: Parents are covering their babies' bums with peaches and it's adorable #StuffOnMyBaby: Cute or weird? 6 social media strategies for parents (even if your kids aren't on social media yet)
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