Stefanie Peachey

Stefanie Peachey

Stefanie Peachey is a Registered Social Worker and Accredited Family Mediator. She is the founder of Peachey Counselling and Family Support in Burlington, ON. Through her work as a mental health professional, Stefanie’s goal is to normalize the reality that everyone faces challenges. When you are struggling, it’s easy to assume you are the only one with problems. However the truth is quite the opposite. At some point or another, we all face issues and could use some support. As a working mother of four children, 10 and under, Stefanie really understands the daily challenges of taking care of yourself and others while trying to maintain a sense of purpose and balance. Life is amazing and wonderful but it’s also busy and messy and at some point, we all face challenges. Whether that be navigating a difficult separation and divorce, an abusive partner or mental health concerns, Stefanie believes having a sense of control when faced with change and disruption is one of the keys to staying resilient and positive. Through her work, she empowers people of all ages with tools and coping skills that allow them to move through life ,with confidence and courage. Stefanie believes that with proper support, anyone who is motivated, can create positive change in their relationships and their life. She also feels that everyone should have access to affordable counselling, whether in person or online. Her specialized services include Separation and Divorce Counselling, Parenting Plan Assessments, Mediation for Parenting Plans, Co-Parent Counselling, Collaborative Law and Voice of Child Reports. Workshops and online courses available include Kids First Co-Parenting, Respectful Relationships Group and Mental Health for the Workplace program. You can learn more at

Latest from Stefanie Peachey

Why Parents Need to Make Self-Care a Priority

Why Parents Need to Make Self-Care a Priority

If doing it for your own benefit isn’t enough, do it for your kids. Learn how to fill your cup for a happy family.
4 minutes