
How to make perfect boiled eggs

Every short-order cook (i.e., parent!) should master the boiled egg. Here's how to get yours perfect every time.

By Today's Parent
How to make perfect boiled eggs

Photo: Erik Putz

How to boil the perfect egg

Key steps

Gently lower eggs into a pot of boiling water and set the timer. When time is up, remove eggs with a slotted spoon and plunge them into ice water to stop the yolks from overcooking. 

Three hard boiled eggs on a blue background with different levels of yolk hardnessPhoto: Erik Putz

Runny yolk

6 minutes

Serve this one with the top lopped off in a cute egg cup. Buttered toast, steamed asparagus or blanched green beans make perfect dippers for kids. 

Soft-boiled egg cut in half to expose runny yolk on a blue backgroundPhoto: Erik Putz

Medium-runny yolk

7 minutes

The rich semi-soft yolk is dippable, while the white is slightly set. This one is great on sandwiches or mixed into a yummy pasta salad. 


medium-runny boiled egg cut in half to expose soft yolk on a blue backgroundPhoto: Erik Putz

Firm yolk

12 minutes

A fully boiled egg is ideal finger food. Chop it up on your toddler’s tray for an instant meal. Bigger kids will love putting it through the slicer. 

firm boiled egg cut in half to expose solid yellow yolk on a blue backgroundPhoto: Erik Putz

Read more:
10 dinner-worthy egg recipes 11 recipes that your kid can eat with ketchup 8 forgot-about-dinner dinner recipes

This article was originally published on Dec 15, 2017

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