Did your baby's name make it into the list of the most popular baby names in Quebec?
This list of the most popular baby names in Quebec is based on provincial government statistics. Check back for the most popular names in the rest of the provinces and territories.
1. Thomas A twin
2. William Strong-willed warrior
3. Liam Strong-willed warrior
4. Jacob Supplanter
5. Felix Happy and prosperous
6. Nathan He gave
7. Logan From the hollow
8. Samuel His name is God
9. Alexis Defender of the people
10. Olivier Olive tree
11. Noah Rest, peace
12. Raphael God has healed
13. Gabriel God is my strength
14. Emile To strive or excel or rival
15. Leo Lion
16. Antoine Of unknown meaning
17. Charles Free man
18. Benjamin Son of my right hand
19. Adam Man, Of the Earth
20. Edouard Wealthy guardian
1. Emma Universal
2. Lea Weary
3. Alice Of a noble kin
4. Olivia Elf army
5. Florence Prosperous, flowering
6. Zoe Life
7. Chloe Verdant and blooming
8. Beatrice Bringer of joy
9. Charlotte Free
10. Rosalie Rose
11. Jade Green gemstone
12. Juliette Youthful, downy
13. Eva Giver of life
14. Sofia Wisdom
15. Camille Perfect
16. Victoria Winner, Conqueror
17. Charlie Free man
18. Mia Of the sea or bitter
19. Romy Rosemary or person from Rome
20. Laurence Laurel
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