Postpartum care

I felt like I was falling apart completely

How crying in bed to a Coldplay song made one mom realize she should get help for her postpartum depression.

By Today's Parent
I felt like I was falling apart completely

Photo: Arsenal Pulp Press

Teresa Wong is a Calgary writer who had three children in less than five years. At first, she feared motherhood would destroy her, but is pleasantly surprised to find herself continually remade. When the kids are asleep, she writes and draws pictures. When she is asleep, it's never for long. This excerpt is from Dear Scarlet, her first book written as a letter to her first-born, which was released on April 1, 2019.

Dear Scarlet: The story of postpartum depression

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press


I felt like I was falling apart completelyPhoto: Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

I felt like I was falling apart completelyPhoto: Ken Hurd

Dear Scarlet book coverCourtesy of Arsenal Pulp Press

Read more: 6 ways to support a mother who has postpartum depression I had postpartum depression and swore I’d never have more kids. Now I’m pregnant Postpartum depression: "My brain is sick, but I tell myself this is just what parenthood is"

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