Because everyone needs to cuddle a piece of fruit in bed, right?
Photo: iStockphoto
When it comes to weird things, little kids top the list. Their growing brains are learning so much about the world around them that in an effort to put two and two together, they sometimes end up with really bizarre ideas.
This is especially true when it comes to putting them to bed, and which particular comfort item will do the trick to soothe them to sleep. As you can imagine, the requests can be totally out there.
One parent recently shared on the subreddit /r/Parenting how their son can't go to bed without his "nighttime orange." If you're thinking nighttime snacks aren't that weird, think again—he just wants to hold it. Obviously, other parents chimed in with their own children's ridiculous bedtime demands. Take a look at our favourites.
Who doesn’t love a wet willy before bed? (Or would this be called a dry willy? We don’t know.)
(via boringusername)
National Door Mat Day, of course! (It’s on August 31, if you’re wondering.)
(via genevaduke)
(via ravyn4179)
It bears repeating that kids are weird. (Well, people are generally weird, kids just haven't been shamed into hiding it, but we digress.) What kind of strange things do your kids do when it's time for bed?
Read more: 13 hilarious parenting rules you never thought you'd have to make Kids fall asleep in the darndest positions
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Kevin is an associate editor for Canadian Business in Toronto, Ontario. More of their work can be found in MSN Canada, Chatelaine and This Magazine.