
First Christmas card from the Cambridges (and Prince George starts school)

Merry Christmas from William, Kate, George and Charlotte.

Photo: Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal via Twitter) Photo: Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal via Twitter)

Well, Happy Christmas to all us royal fans.

This morning (Dec 18), Prince William and Kate Middleton released their first Christmas card ever to the public. And Prince George and Princess Charlotte are in it.

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Apparently, the couple had the photo taken for personal use, but because they liked it so much they decided to release it to the public. Thanks Wills and Kate!

Princess Charlotte is wearing the same outfit she wore for her official six-month portraits—like her mum, she recycles outfits. Get the scoop here on the adorable outfit. But she seems to have lost a shoe! Wardrobe malfunction.

And George is rocking his usual shorts and knee socks—remember he rocked them last Christmas too. His sweater is from Fina Ejerique, a new brand for the tot. Kate seems to favour Spanish children's brands, as both George's sweater and Charlotte's dress are from Spain. But George showed off his UK pride with his shorts from MayoralAmaia Kids knee socks and Start Rite walking shoes.


Love that his train is in the shot—choo, choo. You can the same Steam Train here!

Kate looks casual in her jeans—she's just a regular mom. And she's wearing a grey v-neck sweater over a lavender button-down. Kate's hair is still long so this is definitely pre-mom haircut.

And William is wearing his typical casual uniform of a sweater with a button down—he and Kate match! Gosh, these two are a cute couple. In my opinion, William's the star of the photo. Look at the adorable way he's looking at his family. SWOON!

The photo caption on Instagram shared that Kate and William are "very much looking forward to their first Christmas as a family of four."

Prince William recently talked about how pumped George is for Christmas—there will be little sleep for mum and dad.


The photo was taken by Chris Jelf in late October in the family's garden at Kensington Palace. Chris said "I thoroughly enjoyed photographing a very lovely family, although you have to be sharp as you don;t have long when there are two young children involved."


In other big news George is going to school come January.

Here is the official announcement:

Prince George will begin to attend the Westacre Montessori School Nursery in Norfolk before the end of January.


The Westacre Montessori School Nursery have said:

"We are looking forward to welcoming George to our nursery where he will get the same special experience as all of our children."

This means George, and likely one day Charlotte, will attend school in Norfolk, not London. The family is currently based in Norfolk at Anmer Hall, while William works for East of England Air Ambulance.

George will only go to school a few mornings a week and his new nursery is just a short drive from home.

I am looking forward to the first day of school pictures! Holy cuteness.

This article was originally published on Dec 18, 2015

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