
You've got to watch this sweetest, saddest gender reveal ever

A mother-to-be shares a special moment with her own dying mom. Good luck not bawling your eyes out.

You've been warned: You will tear up.

Mama-to-be Taylor Masilotti shared her bittersweet gender reveal on Facebook and it's one of the most touching things we've seen in a while. She learned the gender of her baby while lying next her terminally ill mother in a hospital bed.

"Wednesday afternoon was one of my forever favorite memories I got to share with my mom," writes Taylor in the video's caption. Despite the fact that grandma-to-be only had a few days left with a grim diagnosis of Stage 4 brain and lung cancer, the two women still got to share a precious memory together and it was filled with happy tears.

And it's a girl! Both Taylor and her mom couldn't be happier. Three generations of women in one hospital bed together—even cancer can't change how lovely that is.

Sadly, this priceless moment was one of the last memories Taylor would get with her mom. She later shared the tragic news that her mom had passed away three days after the reveal. Taylor plans to name her little girl Stella and she's certain that Stella's angel will keep watch over her. After all, a grandma's love is forever.


Excuse us while we go dry our eyes.

Read more: Toddler has most toddler-y response ever to sibling’s gender reveal 7 best gender reveal videos 11 gender reveal party ideas

This article was originally published on Sep 28, 2016

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