
You have to see this boy without hands soothe his baby brother

And the winner for best big brother goes to...

You have to see this boy without hands soothe his baby brother

Photo: @katiewhiddon via Instagram

Three-year-old Camden, born without legs and hands, is an expert at calming down his two-month-old baby brother, Jaxton.

In a video that has been viewed more than 7.3 million times on Facebook, Instagram and Reddit, Camden spots his youngest sibling crying on the blanket where they’re both lying, shuffles over on his back, then picks up a pacifier with his right arm and face, and carefully pops it back into the baby’s mouth. He uses his own mouth, to gently nudge the pacifier from behind, until Jaxton is contentedly sucking on the soother.

Camden, who lives in Texas with his family, was born with phocomelia syndrome, a rare condition in which the bones of one or more of the limbs are malformed, and amelia, a birth defect in which one or more limbs are missing. In an interview with the Daily Mail, Camden’s mother Katie Whiddon says “He mostly feeds himself, gets around the house by himself, sits on the potty by himself, climbs up stairs, and so many other things we thought that he would never be able to do.” She encourages people not to underestimate kids with limb differences, like her son. “He has amazing problem-solving skills,” she says. “He tries everything over and over until he gets it.”

Watch the sweet moment in the video below:


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