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Valerie Howes
Latest from Valerie Howes
Trying to conceive
Is it time to try for a second baby?
9 minutes
This teacher's alternative summer "homework" is everything
A grade one teacher drops truth bombs we all need to hear in her summer homework packet, because there's more to life than times tables.
2 minutes
6 Simple Games That Teach Your Kid Self-Regulation
The younger kids learn to control their emotions and behaviour, the more successful they are in classroom learning—and life. These fun games will help.
3 minutes
Mothering a child who has only known neglect
When I first met the 26-month-old boy I would adopt, my heart sank—the level of neglect he had faced was overwhelming.
8 minutes
Don’t want your kid to be racist? Expose them to more people who don’t look like them
A new study finds that implicit racial bias starts as early as age 3—but parents and teachers can take action to help eliminate prejudice.
3 minutes
Special needs
6 autism-friendly airports parents and caregivers should know about
These airports want to make flying less stressful for kids with sensory sensitivities.
3 minutes
The 19 best Parks Canada attractions for families
Visit these kid-friendly Parks Canada destinations with your kids. Amazing wildlife, fun times in nature, and family bonding guaranteed!
16 minutes
Special needs
8 ways to help a child with autism manage their weight
Meds, picky eating and fewer opportunities to join in organized sports can lead to weight issues for kids with autism. Here’s how to help.
4 minutes
Special needs
Should kids come off ADHD meds for the summer?
Some kids with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder take a break from stimulant medications during school holidays. Should yours?
7 minutes
This woman did the most wonderful thing for a kid she'll never meet
Even if you're squeamish like Heather, you might be so inspired by her story that you'll want to do what she did to save a child's life.
8 minutes
Special needs
Today’s Parent launches ADHD book for Canadian parents
Find strategies, Canadian resources and tips from parents and experts on parenting your child who has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
2 minutes
Special needs
Why we should not blame autism in the Toronto van attack
Alek Minassian possibly had ASD—but that would not explain the violent crimes he was charged with. Such speculation leaves autism families vulnerable.
3 minutes
Special needs
Autism rates see a staggering hike in past two years
A new US report shows a 15 percent increase in the prevalence of ASD in kids. Early intervention and accessing resources are key to improving outcomes.
1 minutes
Special needs
A new way to help kids with autism manage their emotions
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has long been used to treat anxiety, but a new study suggests it could help kids on the spectrum with anger, sadness and depression too.
2 minutes
This school came up with a brilliant hack to help antsy kids
An ingenious school gym teacher came up with a way for kids to burn off excess energy in the hallways, so they could learn better.
2 minutes
Special needs
New study shows FASD rates in Canada higher than we thought
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder often goes undetected and untreated, but new research shows it’s surprisingly prevalent in Canada.
1 minutes
Family life
This might be the most Canadian family getaway ever
You might think that summer is the best time to visit Muskoka–but the gorgeous (and delicious) Maple Trail will entice you to visit in the spring.
4 minutes
Special needs
The most autism-friendly town in Canada
How two women transformed their tiny Newfoundland community from a zero-resources town to the best place in the country to raise kids with autism.
The Most Autism-Friendly Town in Canada
How two women transformed their tiny Newfoundland community from a zero-resources town to the best place in the country to raise kids on the spectrum.
25 moments from ‘This Is Us’ that had us ugly crying
If you aren't wiping your tears and snot on your sleeve after watching This Is Us, you're doing it wrong.
5 minutes