
Whoops! This mom accidentally made the most NSFW cookies for her baby's first birthday

A husband shared a photo of cookies made by his wife for their baby's birthday and it has us wondering if she was really baking for a bachelorette party.

Whoops! This mom accidentally made the most NSFW cookies for her baby's first birthday

Photo: Portugalpaul via Reddit

We've all had our fair share of Pinterest and baking fails, but one mom's situation has us chuckling like a fourth-grader in a sex-ed class.

Reddit user Portugalpaul took to the platform to share a picture of his wife's attempt at baking cookies for their one-year-old's first birthday party. But it turns out that they're probably better suited for a bachelorette party than for a celebration for their baby.

"I don't think they came out right," wrote Portugalpaul about the penis-shaped, blue frosted cookies.

With over 1600 comments and counting, the couple received a pleasant surprise when Reddit users ended up offering more baking tips than jokes about the D. Some chimed in with tips on how to make the cookies look less anatomical and more numerical (you have to outline the cookies for a more defined '1.')


One commenter wrote, "Came for the penis joke, left with knowledge on baking. We have all grown."

Many Reddit users also stepped in to empathize with the mom and to show appreciation for the effort behind the homemade treats.

"That's a shame. I know how long they take to make! I'm sure they'll taste better than they look," said one commenter in support.

The resemblance is undeniable, but after baking almost 100 cookies, we can't blame the mom for the tragic turn of events. However, it could be that we're all projecting our own active imaginations on what was surely a delicious treat for the kids in attendance.

We can only commend this couple for their great sense of humour and suggest a number birthday cake for future birthday parties.


Read more: Planning baby's first birthday party: 7 tips to prevent complete disaster This three-year-old's poop emoji party is the sh*t! Little boy asks for the weirdest birthday cake ever

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