
Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable moment

From stealing Mum's brooch to reluctant royal waves, we have George and Charlotte's cutest moment during the royal visit to Canada.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable moment

George and Charlotte tour photos

Hold on

On October 1st, the Camridges arrived at Victoria Harbour for their departure from Canada. George was the first one out of the van. William held on to George's hand while he helped Charlotte out of her carseat. George looks a bit impatient.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

Royal minivan

Even royals travel in minivans! Charlotte is really clutching on to Kate. And look at her sweet red shoes—they're from Dona Carmen Bebes. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Royal wave

Waving with one hand wasn't enough for George. He adorably waved with both hands at all the people waiting to see him in Victoria Harbour.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features


Not to be outdone by her brother, Charlotte got out of the car and was quick to start waving to all the people who came to see the Cambridges. Charlotte is only 16 months, but she's already nailed the royal wave.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

That face

Kate looks like she's telling Charlotte to wave and Charlotte is saying "Don't worry Mum, I got this."

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features


The Cambridges prepared to say goodybe to Canada after a tour filled with what William said was "lots of happy memories" for the the family.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

Baby in red

Charlotte has worn blue smock dresses for all three of her public appearances in Canada. This dress is a blue-grey colour with sweet flowers and red stitching. Kate added a red sweater, bow and shoes as a sweet patriotic touch to Charlotte's farewell outfit

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features


Charlotte couldn't believe all the people who who were lining the streets in Victoria to see her. The little princess obviously doesn't know yet that she's royal. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

Bye, Canada

Kate let Charlotte walk for a bit and the sweet princess turned and gave the crowd a wave goodbye.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

George says bye, too

George, while making the best face, also waves goodbye to Canada. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

More silly faces

Prince George is the king of funny facial expressions

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

I don't want to go

Charlotte made some pretty great facial expressions, too. It looks like she's quite upset to be leaving Canada. We're sad you're leaving, too. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

No high fives

Daniel Brachman was selcted to give flowers to Kate, but when he went in for a high five from George, the little prince was having none of it. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Smell the roses

Kate was given a big boquet of flowers and she let Charlotte take a sniff.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features


Charlotte walked down the dock, grinning and waving to everyone. Look at her adorably chubby cheeks!

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

Bye, Governor

George may have adorably snubbed Justin Trudeau, but he gave Governor General David Johnston a firm handshake goodbye.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features


Charlotte is looking more and more like her namesake, Queen Elizabeth—or who she calls "Gan Gan."

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

Matching in red

Kate wore a Catherine Walker coat in cream, but made sure her kids wore red. Loved that George and Charlotte matched with their blue and red outfits.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features


The family gave a final wave (except George who is having some deep thoughts!) before boarding their sea plane in Victoria Harbour.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Party time!

On September 29th, the Cambridges attended a children's party for military families on the lawns of Government House.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Ready to run

Charlotte is clearly planning to run off and play. She's like "See ya, Mum!"

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/POOL-Chris Wattie

First steps

Charlotte has been walking for months, but this is the first time we've seen her toddling in public.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: PA Photos Limited

Give me those balloons

Charlotte, decked out in a Pepa & Co dress, Mi Lucero cardigan and her signature bow, went right for the balloons as soon as Kate put her down. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward


Charlotte actually tried to lift up the whole archway of balloons—she probably wanted to take them home with her. We also heard her say her first word in public. She kept saying "Pop!" to the balloons.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features


We've also never seen Charlotte smile in public. But she couldn't contain her glee over those awesome balloons.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Don't get Charlotte

George was a bit overwhelmed and asking for "Mummy" until he saw an orange fish bubble gun. Then he tried to squirt Charlotte with it. Both William and Kate were quick to react. Charlotte is still playing with the balloons.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: The CANADIAN PRESS/Pool-Chris Wattie

Bubble fight

This is the first time we've really gotten to see the kids interact. Charlotte looks quite upset that George dared to get her with the bubbles. George can't contain his glee.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentTHE CANADIAN PRESS/POOL-Chris Wattie


As Charlotte checked out the balloons, she could be heard yelling "Dada!" Prince William quickly replied, "Yeah," and went to check out all the fun with her. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

A wee bit distracted

Kate made time to chat with guests who all had loved ones in the Canadian Armed Forces. But Charlotte was still obsessed with the balloons.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/POOL-Chris Wattie

Moose the dog

Charlotte made a new friend during the party, Moose the dog! Who she proceeded to sit on.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward


George was all about the bubbles at the party.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Bubble King

George is just in awe of these bubbles.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

George's turn

William was in charge of the bubble wand, but George wanted his own turn.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Party Prince

George was in his element at the party and didn't stop smiling. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

Charlotte's flower

Charlotte was very excited to get her very own balloon flower.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Volcano balloon

George wanted a volcano balloon—which was an odd request. His adorable sweater is from Wild and Gorgeous. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Daddy love

Seriously, how cute is this photo? At one point Charlotte was heard yelling "Dada" and William was quick to reply "Yeah" and go over to her.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Courtesy of Kensington Royal via Twitter

No more sweater

About halfway through the festivities, Charlotte got too hot, so Kate helped her take her sweater off—and turned it into a fun game. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: PA Photos Limited

Dad's turn

William tried his hand at making balloon animals. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: The Canadian Press/Jonathan Hayward

Spider attach

George also got a spider balloon, which he proceeded to get Mummy with. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: PA Photos Limited

Who needs toys

While George played with the balloons, Charlotte was entertained by her sweater. 


Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: PA Photos Limited


Charlotte was very excited to get to cuddle a rabbit, who was named Smores. The party had a whole petting zoo for the kids to explore.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/POOL-Chris Wattie

George meets the hare

George wasn't as cuddly with the rabbit. He let dad do all the petting.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/POOL-Chris Wattie

Checking out the goats

George and William also checked out a few goats. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward


Charlotte spots a musician who was playing some tunes for the kids. Kate was quick to start swaying Charlotte to the music. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: PA Photos Limited

Shake it, Charlotte

Ther was so much to do at the party including making music with shakers. Shake, shake, shake!


Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Courtesy of Kensington Royal via Twitter

Cuddle time

Amidst all the fun, George wanted a big hug from his dad. This photo is so sweet. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Courtesy of Kensington Palace via Instagram

George is amazed

There were lots of entertainers on hand to keep the kids busy. George looks very impressed.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/POOL-Chris Wattie

First look

Prince William and Prince George were the first to emerge from the Royal Canadian Air Force plane after it landed in Victoria. George is a big fan of planes so he was more interested in the planes than all the people waiting for him. George was of course wearing his signature look—shorts, knee socks and a sweater, this time with a cute little button down underneath. His outfit is from Pepa & Co and the socks are Amaia.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: PA Photos Limited courtesy of Canadian Press

Royal blue

They're here! All four of Cambridges were matching in blue for their very first royal tour as a family of four. George and Charlotte are making some pretty hilarious faces.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Action Press courtesy of Canadian Press

Charlotte's debut

Big brother George has already gone on his first royal tour—he travelled to New Zealand and Australia when he was just nine months—but the trip to Canada is Charlotte's very first tour. She looked like such a little lady for her big debut. Kate tends to dress Charlotte in smock dresses and she always puts a little bow in her hair.


Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Hold my hand, Mum

George kept grabbing at the back of Kate's dress as he walked down the stairs. Kate, wanting to prevent a hand up her skirt, was quick to grab his hand. She's a total mom in this moment, with a kid on each arm. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Action Press courtesy of Canadian Press

The return of grumpy George

It's the return of grumpy George. Back in 2014, when the family landed in New Zealand, baby George had an adorably grumpy face. And he looked a wee bit grumpy upon arrival in Victoria, too. To be fair, he had probably been asleep on the plane and was not impressed at being woken up to go see a bunch of strangers.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Action Press courtesy of Canadian Press

I'm not doing anything

Charlotte has totally mastered the "I'm not doing anything bad" face. Meanwhile she is slyly making a grab for Kate's diamond maple leaf brooch. The stunning piece is actually a family heirloom. It was given to Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) by her husband King George VI before a trip to Canada. The Queen now lends the brooch out to any members of the royal family visiting Canada. Charlotte is a smart kid to be making a grab for it.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex/Shutterstock

Talks with Dad

When the family got off the plane, there were many dignitaries (including Justin and Sophie Trudeau) waiting to greet them. And that was a wee bit much for George. William diffused any tantrums by getting down on George's level and giving him a little pep talk.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features

Mum's turn

Kate knelt down to check that George was doing OK admist all the attention. And look, Charlotte is still making a grab for Kate's brooch.


Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: PA Photos Limited courtesy of Canadian Press

The hesitant wave

Prince George is slowly mastering the royal wave—though he looks a little unsure about this whole saying hi to strangers thing.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Action Press courtesy of Canadian Press

Ladies in blue

This sweet moment between Kate and Charlotte is too cute for words.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Rex Features courtesy of Canadian Press

Shy George

Prepare yourself for the many faces of Prince George. Here he is a bit shy. There was a lot of people and a lot of cameras taking pictures of the family. So it's understandable that George was a bit overwhelmed.

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentTim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock

Bored George

George seemed a bit bored while waiting for the car to come take the family to Government House

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock

Contemplative George

George is taking it all in. I wonder what he thinks about Canada. 


Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Action Press courtesy of Canadian Press

Happy George

And then we finally got a smile!

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: Action Press courtesy of Canadian Press

A little bit of comfort

Charlotte did amazingly well for her royal tour debut. But after meeting all the dignitaries, the little princess started sucking her thumb—a sign she was probably tired. It was midnight in London when they arrived so she was obviously ready for bed. Also, let's all admire Kate's amazing hat. It's by Lock & Co and features maple leaves. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: PA Photos Limited courtesy of Canadian Press


I'm sure George was relieved when the car finally arrived to take the family to Government House. Kate said that the kids had a spot of tea before going to bed. It had been a long day for them! 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte visit Canada: Every adorable momentPhoto: THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Read more:  William and Kate’s sweetest parenting moments (so far)
Princess Charlotte’s cutest photos Prince George and Princess Charlotte’s cutest sibling moments

This article was originally published on Oct 01, 2016

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