Pregnancy health

6 things to know about cramps during pregnancy

Cramps during pregnancy can be worrisome, but they’re quite common and not necessarily cause for concern. Here’s what you need to know.

By Today's Parent
6 things to know about cramps during pregnancy

Photo: Stocksy

Cramps during pregnancy are not only uncomfortable but scary, as any pain in the abdominal region can send a pregnant mom spiralling down the path of worst-case scenarios. The good news is that cramping is relatively common and, more often than not, isn't cause for concern. The important thing is knowing when to seek help.

Why do they happen?

The muscles of the uterus contracting usually cause cramps, explains Amanda Selk, an ob-gyn at Women's College Hospital in Toronto. In the first trimester, cramps could be caused by the fertilized egg implanting in the uterus and the uterus simply growing. However, if the cramps are accompanied by bleeding, they could be a sign of miscarriage. Later in pregnancy, cramps could also be a sign of preterm labour, or once you hit 37 weeks, simply labour!

Braxton Hicks contractions 

What feels like cramping could be Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as practice contractions, which can begin as early as the second trimester. With Braxton Hicks, the muscles of the uterus tighten for approximately 30 to 60 seconds. They tend to be irregular in intensity, infrequent, unpredictable, more uncomfortable than painful, and usually taper off and then stop entirely. They are not cause for concern.

pregnant woman with contractions Adene Sanchez / Getty Images

Round ligament pain

Pregnant women sometimes experience a sharp pain in the abdomen or groin area, usually on one side. This is not a cramp but rather a ligament stretching surrounding the belly. It's uncomfortable but only lasts a few seconds and is harmless.

Cramps after sex

Some women experience cramping or uterine contractions after an orgasm. While they aren't dangerous, many women wonder if they should stop having sex because of them. The answer is no, says Selk, noting that the cramps generally don't last long. If sex leads to pain or bleeding, however, that would be a sign to stop having sex and speak to your doctor or midwife.

What can I do about cramps? 

For the most part, you just want to make yourself more comfortable. "Usually, when women rest, cramps go away," Selk says. Dehydration can also make cramps worse, so drink lots of water. But be sure to empty your bladder often, as a full bladder can also make cramps worse! A warm shower may also relieve pain from cramping, and a maternity support belt in the third trimester can help ease cramping and back pain.


When should I call my midwife or doctor? 

While cramps are generally not a problem, you need to call your midwife or doctor if they are accompanied by bleeding, if there is a watery discharge, if they are increasing in frequency or strength, or if they don't improve when you sit or lie down and rest.


This article was originally published on Jun 12, 2017

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