Trying to conceive

Smoothies rule: 3 delicious recipes

Smoothies offer creative and quick ways to get your calcium while pregnant. Great for kids too!

By Ellen Desjardins, M.H.Sc., RD, Public Health Nutritionist
Smoothies rule: 3 delicious recipes

Milk is chock-full of essential nutrients for pregnancy. But unless you guzzle milk straight from the carton like Catwoman, it is helpful to know some creative milk-based recipes. Smoothies, the ultimate no-cook wonder drinks, can be served for breakfast, snacks—even entertaining. Give your blender or food processor a permanent place on your kitchen counter and stock up on milk, plain or flavoured yogurt, bananas, fruits and berries (fresh, canned or frozen are all good).

Read more: 11 easy peasy fruit smoothies>

If you have trouble digesting milk or want some variety, soy beverages are very close nutritionally to cow’s milk when they are fortified with calcium, zinc, vitamins D and A, and B-vitamins (including folate and B12). Check the nutrition information and ingredients on the carton to be sure. Soy beverages naturally supply some iron and fibre as well. Other choices from the dairy case are buttermilk (almost fat free) and Lacteese or Lactaid (lactose-free milk).

Fruit adds a host of other nutrients to smoothies. You can buy fresh berries or peaches in season and freeze them in small portions. When you use frozen fruit, it helps make your smoothie ice-cold! For the recipes below, simply purée all ingredients together. Or create your own smoothie using your favourite ingredients.

Peachy Smoothie 1 cup plain yogurt 1 cup skim milk 1 can (15 oz) sliced peaches 1 banana (optional) 6 ice cubes


Orange Strawberry Refresher 2 cups buttermilk 1 cup frozen strawberries or raspberries 1 cup frozen orange juice concentrate 2 tablespoons honey 4 ice cubes

Chocolate Banana Smoothie 1 cup chocolate soy beverage 1 large banana (can be peeled and frozen beforehand) 1 tbsp peanut butter (optional)

This article was originally published on May 18, 2004

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