Trying to conceive? These apps can be your secret weapon.
Photo: Stocksy
Dot is a simple, easy to use monthly period tracker. It advertises itself as a tool to either plan or prevent pregnancy. (If you’re hoping to do the latter, check out our favourite methods of birth control.)
Available on iOS & Android, free
Flo tracks your period and ovulation, predicting your most fertile days. And because it uses machine learning, the app claims that it can even work for women with irregular periods. If you’re tracking your basal body temperature or using ovulation tests, you can track the results right in the app. And once you’re pregnant, the app tracks gestation and shows you updates on the development of the fetus.
Available on iOS & Android, free
If you have a Fitbit fitness tracker, you could be tracking your fertility alongside your steps. In 2018, Fitbit added in-app period tracking, and if you have a Versa or Ionic Fitbit model, you can view your cycle info right on your wrist. Use the app to track your symptoms, chart your ovulation, and see connections between your activity, your sleep and your cycle.
Available on iOS & Android, free
Fertility Friend’s premium membership allows you to easily keep track of your basal body temperature (BBT) and your cervical fluid—factors which help determine the window in your cycle during which you are most fertile. Capabilities also include recording your menstrual cycle and even intercourse timing analysis. You’re also able to interact with other women using the app’s message boards.
Available on iOS & Android, free. Premium membership is $45/year.
Glow offers a fertility calendar and daily health log, but what makes the app unique is that it also offers male fertility tracking capabilities, which, once they’re inputted, can be synced to view the overall fertility health of the couple. Glow can also be synced to other apps, like MyFitnessPal.
Available on iOS & Android, free
Kindara lets you log your BBT, cervical fluid, menstruation and sex. If you purchase Kindara’s Wink oral thermometer, you can sync your temperatures into the app to save you some time and give you an easy-to-read fertility chart that you can share with the Kindara community.
Available on iOS & Android, free. Wink oral thermometer, US$129,
Ovia Fertility is one of three sister apps created by Ovia meant to guide women from pre-pregnancy to motherhood. The app tracks your period, moods and other factors to let you know when you’re most fertile. Ovia features ovulation calculators and calendars, expert articles, support and even a “not trying to conceive” mode.
Available on iOS & Android, free
Period Tracker’s capabilities include period prediction, ovulation prediction, fertility prediction (which gives you a daily “Pregnancy Chance”), recording BBT, moods, cervical firmness and much more. The information is turned into a calendar in the app. The pill reminder feature can be set to remind you to take your prenatal vitamins.
Available on iOS & Android, free
Read more: Trying to conceive: Myths vs. facts Your guide to getting pregnant 7 best pregnancy apps
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