
10 Genius Ways to Deal With All That Halloween Candy

It's the day after Halloween and your house is full of candy! We asked our readers for their tricks on dealing with all those treats.

By Today's Parent
10 Genius Ways to Deal With All That Halloween Candy

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1. We keep some favourites, but the rest I take to work and leave in the break room. I work in a hospital, and the nurses love the extra snacks to get them through long shifts. — Brenda Wilson, Petawawa, Ont.

2. We sort through the candy, put aside ones that will work for decorations on gingerbread houses and freeze them until Christmastime. — Sandy Martin, New Hamburg, Ont.

3. We remove all of the candies that my kids are allergic to and then give them each a snack-sized sealable bag of their favourites to go in their lunches. The rest is given to the “switch witch” who takes their candy and gives them a toy in return. The candy goes to our local dentist who donates a pound of apples to the food bank for every pound of candy he collects. — Alisha Brignall, Calgary

4. I let my daughter have a few pieces every day. After a month, when she’s tired of candy, I put it out when we have friends over for games nights. — Sara Miles, Winnipeg

5. If it makes it past the hubby and me, I bake with it. Chocolate gets smashed up for chocolate-chip cookies, and hard candy becomes toppings for cupcakes or ice cream. — Rebecca Howat, Roslin, Ont


6. They get to eat a few pieces of candy a day for the first two weeks, then they trade it in for dinner out at their choice of restaurant. — Keri Christopherson Emann, Red Deer, Alta.

7. I pack up leftover candy and include it with a bag of non-perishable food items to drop off at a local food bank. — Helen Borodajluk, Ottawa

8. Each kid gets his own bowl to dump it in when we get home. They have a few pieces that night and then the rest goes into their dessert “bank.” If they’ve eaten all of their supper or finished a chore, they get to choose a piece. The candy lasts longer, and we have no upset stomachs from gorging. — Heather Mitchell-Adams, Smiths Falls, Ont.

9. My daughter’s birthday is just after Halloween, so I use the leftover candy in a piñata for her party. — Christine Statham, Moncton, NB

10. Our dental hygienist suggested letting them go nuts the first night, so it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet until bedtime. The idea is to get it over with, instead of doling the candy out in bits for weeks. — Jill Sacks Hulley, Red Deer, Alta.


This article was originally published online in October 2013.

This article was originally published on Oct 15, 2021

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