With the release of My Little Pony: The Movie, you'll want to make sure your My Little Pony fan has all the latest and greatest merch. From toys to apparel, we've got you covered!
$33, amazon.ca
$40, toysrus.ca
$13-$20 each: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie.
$18, indigo.ca
$11-$17 each: Rarity Create & Style Vanity, Applejack Apple Pickin’ Time and Fluttershy Swing Time Fun.
$10, amazon.ca
$60, toysrus.ca
$9 each, amazon.ca
$90, amazon.ca
$20, toysrus.ca
My Little Pony Sequins Pony Crew Neck Shirt: $17, My Little Pony Tutu Skirt: $15, My Little Pony Short Sleeve Tee: $8, walmart.ca
$65, amazon.ca
$8 USD each, amazon.com
$27, indigo.ca
$70, amazon.ca
$35, walmart.ca
$11, amazon.ca
$77, amazon.ca
$24 USD, amazon.com
$16 each: Fluttershy and Princess Twilight Sparkle
$12, amazon.ca
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