Family life

Self-regulation: 5 easy ways to support your child

By John Hoffman
Self-regulation: 5 easy ways to support your child

Learning self-regulation helps kids stay focused in the classroom and beyond. Here are six easy ways to cultivate your child's ability to self-regulate.

Excerpted from the "Peace of mind" article in our March 2013 issue, p. 55.

Don't forget the basics

Don't forget the basics — plenty of sleep and healthy food.

Being tired and hungry are stressors, and self-regulation suffers when children are stressed.

Self-regulation: 5 easy ways to support your child Photo: Rosemarie Gearhart/iStockphoto

Limit video games

Limit video-game playing, especially close to bedtime.

Self-regulation: 5 easy ways to support your child Photo: Neustockimages/iStockphoto

De-stress homework time

Try putting on soft music, letting your child chew sugarless gum or suck on a sugarless candy while doing homework.

Self-regulation: 5 easy ways to support your child Photo: Photolyric/iStockphoto

Spend time together

Build a positive parent-child relationship by spending one-on-one time with each kid.

Self-regulation: 5 easy ways to support your child Photo: Aldo Murillo/iStockphoto

More parenting tips!

Self-regulation: 5 easy ways to support your child Photo: Casenbina/iStockphoto

Self-regulation helps kids stay focused in class and beyond. Here are some easy ways to cultivate this important skill.

This article was originally published on Feb 20, 2013

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