
#ThisIsMyLife: Parents you'll meet at school council

If you've ever volunteered at your kid's school, you know exactly who these parents are.

illustration showing a Boss mom about to tell another mom what her assignment is. the other mom is on her knees begging "Please not the bouncy castle! I'll do anything!"

Illustration of a hot Dad with his lady admirers grouped up looking at him

illustration of Sugar Patrol moms angrily waving snacks in the air talking about the sugar content and throwing yogurt in a flaming garbage bin

Illustration of the Explain-y dad explaining something to an audience of parents who look bored and frustrated

Illustration of the closer mom who has everything checked off her check list and is on the phone with a vendor while also baking cake pops

Illustration of the mom who mostly comes for the pizza who has pizza slices hanging out of her purse and pizza boxes balanced on her head

Read more: #ThisIsMyLife: Parents you'll see at the playground #ThisIsMyLife: Parent Betrayals #ThisIsMyLife: Games you can play while hardly moving or speaking

This article was originally published on Sep 12, 2018

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