
#ThisIsMyLife: New Year's resolutions for moms

New year, new you. So long 2018, maybe 2019 will finally be the year you only forget to pick up your kid from school like, once.

Title card for the this is my life comic. Reads New Year's Resolutions for moms. Shows an illustration of a bonfire with 2017 inside the flames

Ilustration of parents lounging on a couch. Text reads: Only forget to pick up your kid up at school, like, once. Speech bubbles read: Gosh, i just feel so relaxed I don't know what it is.

Illustration showing a mom watching TV with her son. Text reads: Further your child's chances of becoming a doctor. Speech bubble from Tv reads: Dr. Grey We're going to have to slice this ENTIRE PERSON open immediately!

Illustration of a family standing around a bonfire holding boxes on the end of sticks. Text reads: Bento box bonfire

Illustration of a family sitting at a dinner table. Text reads: Pin 23 recipes a week. Make one of them in February 2020

Illustration of a woman standing in a subway car. Two people are seated nearby. Text reads: Kegels. All day. Everyday. Thought bubble from mom's crotch reads: I will crush you.

Illustration of a mom sitting on a chair talking to her son who is sitting on the bed. Text reads: Teach your kid the proper definitions of swear words. Speak bubble from mom reads: So when two grown-ups love each other very much...

Read more: #ThisIsMyLife: Parents you'll see at the playground #ThisIsMyLife: Things that count as "me time" for moms #ThisIsMyLife: What moms do after everyone else has gone to to bed

This article was originally published on Dec 18, 2018

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