Family life

5 ways to get the kids to school on time (without breaking a sweat!)

Getting the kids to school in the morning doesn't have to be stressful. Here are five ways to get them out of the house with ease.

By Today's Parent
5 ways to get the kids to school on time (without breaking a sweat!)

1. Morning fun box To keep the kids busy while you get ready without always relying on screens, make a morning fun box. Fill it with special books and toys, and change it up every few weeks.

2. To-do chart Make a simple chart that kids can follow and check off themselves. Keep it simple, with items like, “Pack your bag” or “Brush your teeth.” Kids love to feel in control!

3. Main-level caddy You know when you’re ready to leave and realize someone forgot to brush their teeth (or maybe someone suddenly needs an Elsa braid)? Avoid schlepping everyone back upstairs by keeping toothbrushes, toothpaste and hair stuff in a handy container on your main level.

4. Timer trick The bell is about to ring, and no one even has socks on yet?! Set a timer and tell the kids to try to beat the clock. Kids love games, and, when used sparingly, this little trick will get them moving.

5. Pack at night Mornings run smoother with a bit of prep work. Have kids organize their own backpacks as part of their bedtime routine. In the morning, they can toss in the lunch you made the night before. Done!


Read more: 11 ways to salvage a bad morning 5 morning problems solved Why won't my preschooler get dressed in the morning?!

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