
How to make a Yoda headband

The force is strong with this super cute and easy DIY Yoda headband!

Photo: Jeff Carlson Photo: Jeff Carlson

To make this big green-eared craft, you’ll need green felt, scissors, glue gun and a green headband.

1. Cut felt into 2 triangles.

2. Fold in two corners of the triangles, one at a time, and glue them down.

3. Fold bottom of the ears around the head band, and attach using hot glue.

Place on head and enjoy your kid's cool new look. Warning: they might not want to take it off!


Read More: Yoda Pops 7 Yoda quotes for parents to live by 34 cool new Star Wars Rogue One toys


This article was originally published on Nov 02, 2016

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Amy is a freelance writer and editor based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in publications like Chatelaine, Toronto Life and The Globe and Mail

Rayna Schwartz
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