
Yoda Pops

These pops are so cute and yummy, even Yoda would eat one!

By Today's Parent

Check out our step-by-step instructions below:

This easy recipe will be the perfect addition to any Star Wars party.

Yoda Pops

Here’s what you’ll need:

Yellow and green liquid food colouring, 2 tbsp water in a bowl, 15 skewers, 15 large marshmallows, 12 mini marshmallows, 12 lollipop sticks, scissors, black food-colouring pen.

Yoda Pops

1. Stir 20 drops yellow and 10 drops green food colouring into water. Insert skewers into the curved side of large marshmallows. 

Yoda Pops

2. Dip large and mini marshmallows into green water. Let dry on paper-towel-lined baking sheet for about 1 hour.


Yoda Pops

3. Remove skewers and replace 12 with lollipop sticks. Cut remaining 3 marshmallows crosswise into 3 pieces each. Cut end pieces into quarters to make the ears. Cut each mini marshmallow crosswise into 4 pieces for the eyes. Discard end pieces.  

Yoda Pops

4. Arrange marshmallow pops flat-side up. Attach eyes (marshmallows will be sticky) and ears, trimming shape as desired. Using food-colouring pen, draw in pupils, brow furrows and mouth.

Yoda Pops
This article was originally published on Dec 11, 2019

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