
29 adorable books about moms

There's no one in the world like mom, and these books prove it!

29 adorable books about moms

Photo: Amazon

Mother’s Day books

My Mom Is Magical

Written by Sabrina Moyle and illustrated by Eunice Moyle, Abrams Appleseed (Ages 0-3) Sillier than a band of bananas, this book is a tribute to all the things that make mom magical. $10,

Pink book cover with a unicorn on itPhoto: Abrams Appleseed

The Strongest Mum

Written and illustrated by Nikola Kent, Pan Macmillan (AGES 3+) Little Bear knows that no one is as Mum. But even mama bears get tired, and one day Mum need’s Little Bear’s help. $14,

An illustration of a mama bear holding up her cubPhoto: Pan Macmillan

My Mom is There

Written by Martin Thomas and illustrated by Ag Jatkowska, Sky Pony Press (AGES 1-3). Everything is scary for Little Elephant in a big world. Nothing is easy when you’re so small. But anything is possible when mum is close. $9,

A book cover of a drawn elephant hugging her childPhoto: Sky Pony Press

Mama, How Long Will You Love Me?

Written and illustrated by Anna Pignataro, Scholastic (AGES 0-3). Oli wants to know that his mother really does love him. She shows him how strong her everlasting love for him is as they spend a magical day together. $10,

Cover art for the board book, Mama How Long Will You Love Me? Showing illustrated bears playing in the windPhoto: Scholastic

When I Carried You In My Belly

Written by Thrity Umrigar and illustrated by Ziyue Chen, Running Press (AGES 4-8). A mother’s bond with her baby starts in the womb, but that baby eventually grows up to be their own person. In this book, a mom traces her little girl’s laughter, love of music and carefree attitude all to when she was in her mom’s tummy. $23,


29 adorable books about moms

Mommies Are Amazing

Written by Meredith Costain and illustrated by Polona Lovsin, Henry Holt and Co. (AGES 4-8). Just like cats, mommies are caring, cuddly, playful and daring. Your kid will love the rhyming text and adorable illustrations.

29 adorable books about moms

My Mom Is a Foreigner, But Not To Me

Written by Julianne Moore and illustrated by Meilo So, Chronicle Books (AGES 5-8). Some moms may cook different food, fashion your hair up in a traditional ‘do, or even wear special clothes on holidays, but that’s what makes them the best. This book pays hommage to all the Mammas, Mamans, and Muttis. $24,

29 adorable books about moms

Mama’s Pajamas

Written and illustrated by Mara Van Fleet, Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books (AGES 0-4). Mama only makes her kids the finest pajamas in the form of fun characters. From scaly green dragon pajamas to fuzzy bear ones, babies and toddlers will love the colours and texture in this touch-and-feel board book. $22,

29 adorable books about moms

Some Mums

Written and illustrated by Nick Bland, Scholastic (AGES 0-3). Mums can be graceful, tough, fearless or loud, and they’re each special in their own way. Kids will love identifying their own mom’s personality traits in this cute board book. $10,

29 adorable books about moms

My Mum is a Wonder

Written by Michele Messoudi and illustrated by Rukiah Peckham, The Islamic Foundation (AGES 3+). Who greets me with a smile? Who teaches me how to pray? Who takes care of me when I’m sick? Mum, of course! $13,


29 adorable books about moms

Mommy, Pick Me Up

Written and illustrated by Soledad Bravi; Farrar, Straus and Giroux (AGES 3-6). A little boy asks his mom for help with everything, including finding his PJs, going potty, or playing with building blocks. But one day he calls for his dad. What ever could he want? $21,

29 adorable books about moms


Written and illustrated by Stephan Lomp, Chronicle Books (AGES 3-5). When Babysaurus slips off his momma’s tail and gets lost, he must find a way to get back to her. Babysaurus tries to describe Mamasaurus to his friends in the jungle: she isn’t fast, she doesn’t have sharp teeth and she can’t fly. Nobody has seen her. Will Babysaurus and his mom be reunited? $24,

29 adorable books about moms

You Made Me a Mother

Written by Laurenne Sala and illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser, HarperCollins (AGES 4-8). This book conveys the unconditional love a mom has for her child—from pregnancy, to birth and beyond. $20, 

29 adorable books about moms

The Mommy Book

Written and illustrated by Tom Parr; Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (AGES 0-3). This brightly animated book celebrates the reasons that make moms unique. Whether your mom prefers fishing over shopping, or works at home or in a big building, she is special! $10,

29 adorable books about moms

Silly Wonderful You

Written by Sherri Duskey Rinker and illustrated by Patrick McDonnell, HarperCollins (AGES 4-8). Things were very different before you (the giggly baby in the house) came along. It’s a great book for moms to read their little ones before bedtime. $22,


29 adorable books about moms

Oh the Things My Mom Will Do

Written and illustrated by Marianne Richmond, Raincoast Books (AGES 4-8). A child’s everyday routine is nothing like a mom’s! Celebrate the silly, unexpected and heart-warming adventure that is motherhood with this story. $24,

29 adorable books about moms

My Mummy

Written by Paula Metcalf and illustrated by Lucy Bernard, Pan Macmillan (AGES 0-5). Little Bear has an awesome mom. She plays games with him, gives him cuddles and she’s great at everything. What’s the best part? She belongs to him! $10,

29 adorable books about moms

Mom’s the Word

Written by Timothy Knapman and illustrated by Jamie Littler, Tiger Tales (AGES 3-7). What’s a word that describes something that’s as warm as a goodnight kiss or means, “I love you”? Mom! $23,

29 adorable books about moms

Me and My Mom!

Written by Alison Ritchie and illustrated by Alison Edgson, Scholastic (AGES 4-8). Little Bear’s mom does all sorts of great things like making daisy chains and loud echoes in a cave, balancing apples on her nose, and loving her young cub. $13,

29 adorable books about moms

I Love You, Mom

Written by Josephine Collins and illustrated by Jill Latter, Thunder Bay Press (AGES 3-5). This heartwarming book is a sweet reminder of the tender bond between mother and child. There’s never a wrong time for expressing gratitude for the little things moms do! $14,


29 adorable books about moms

I Love My Mum

Curated by Gaby Morgan, Pan Macmillan (AGES 7+). This cute collection of curated poems perfectly sums up what motherhood is all about. $10,

29 adorable books about moms

I Love My Mommy

Written by Jonathan Litton and illustrated by Fhiona Galloway, Tiger Tales Books (AGES 2-5). Join little bumblebees, cows, frogs, and more in telling their mommas how much they love them in this cute, rhyming board book. $14,

29 adorable books about moms

I Love Ewe: An Ode to Animal Moms

Written and illustrated by Aaron Zenz, Walker Children’s (AGES 3-6). Even little animals celebrate their moms! Each mom has her own special name in her little one’s heart. $11,

29 adorable books about moms

Why I Love My Mummy

Illustrated by Daniel Howarth, HarperCollins (AGES 0-3). Written in children’s very own words and paired with cute animal illustrations, this book explores all the reasons why mums are the best. $10,

29 adorable books about moms


Written by Alison Mcghee and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds, Atheneum Books For Young Readers (AGES 4-8). In this simple yet powerful book, one mom expresses her hopes and wishes for her child’s future.$20,



29 adorable books about moms

Only You

Written by Robin Cruise and illustrated by Margaret Chodos-Irvine, HMH Books for Young Readers (AGES 0-3). Nothing beats a mother’s love. This book describes what a mother thinks makes her child so special—on the inside and out. $22,

29 adorable books about moms

Mama Robot

Written by Davide Cali and illustrated by Anna Laura Cantone, Tundra Books (AGES 4-6). Life with a robot mom would mean no more homework, veggies or cleaning your room. But it would also mean no hugs, kisses or cuddles. Could a robot REALLY replace mom? $21,

29 adorable books about moms

My Mother is Weird

Written by Rachna Gilmore and illustrated by Brenda Jones, Acorn Press (AGES 4-8). What happens to moms when they run out of coffee? Told from a child’s perspective, this hilarious tale of one mom’s bad day will ring too true. $10,

29 adorable books about moms

I’ll Never Let You Go

Written by Smriti Prasadam-Halls and illustrated by Alison Brown, Bloomsbury Press Agency (AGES 2-5). Unconditional love means being there for one another in the best and worst of times. $10,


29 adorable books about moms

Read more: 10 Mother’s Day coupons—for what she really wants Mother’s Day gift guide: Lovely lady 7 Mother's Day brunch recipes

This article was originally published on Apr 27, 2017

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Emily is a content and social strategist, writer, editor and producer based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in Chatelaine and on FLAREdotcom.

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