
9 silly hair day ideas for kids

Get inspired with these silly hairdos. Some are really easy and others take a bit of work. Better practice your braiding skills.

9 silly hair day ideas for kids

Photo: Pinterest

Silly hair day ideas for kids

Would you like a cupcake?

We’re normally not into hair in our food, but this checks out. A small topknot tucked into a cupcake liner is pretty clever.

Paper plate with hair bun coming through to make it look like a cupcake on a platePHOTO: PINTEREST via BRIGHT STAR KIDS


Surf’s up! All you need is some blue hair dye (there are lots of great wash-out varieties at the drug store), a figurine and plenty of hair gel.

Boy with blue hair spiked up to look like a wave with a lego surfer attachedPhoto: Pinterest via Bored Panda

Don’t fidget

You’ve got a fidget spinner on your finger, why not your head, too? To create, cut out a spinner shape with holes large enough to facilitate three buns (use this easy donut bun tutorial). Add some coloured hairspray to take your design over the top.

Girl with three big buns and a fascinator to her hair looks like a fidget spinnerPhoto: Pinterest

Tropical vibes

This is a clever and really simple one. Spritz green hairspray or add a temp dye and put hair in a high pony. Pull ponytail through a paper towel roll and add elastics to create texture. Aloha, baby! 

Hair piled in high pony with cardboard tube over it and green tips to look like a palm treePHOTO: PINTEREST

Campfire hair

Come and light your fire! Imperfection is definitely key with this one.


Boy with hair painted orange with sticks attached to look like a campfirePHOTO: PINTEREST


This one scores extra points for glitter. A high sock bun is the foundation for this hole-in-one.

Sparkly green hair in a bun with a golfball and tee in the middlePHOTO: PINTEREST

Just prance

Neigh, girl, neigh! This fantastical hair can double for a Halloween costume as well. Grab that pink hairspray and get going. 

girl with pink and silver hair with a twisted horn to look like a unicornPHOTO: PINTEREST- VIA BRIGHT STAR KIDS


Coloured hairsprays and temp dyes are an easy way to create an impact. How cute is this mohawk-turned-iguana?

Mohawk with hair paint to look like an iguanaPHOTO: PINTEREST via BRIGHT STAR KIDS

Somewhere over the rainbow

Go over the rainbow with this hairdo. Try inserting a lightweight wire to arch your braid. You can practise your skills with this tutorial.

girl with hair braided and painted in bright colours to look like a rainbowPHOTO: PINTEREST

Read more:
4 easy summer hairstyles for mom
17 easy kids' hairstyles
Should you let your tween colour their hair?

This article was originally published on Sep 15, 2018

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