
Face painting tutorial: How to transform your kid into a werewolf

Turn your kid into a scary beast with these simple steps.

You’ll need: White eyeliner; black eyeliner; white, grey, black and red face paint; brown and black eye shadow; paint brushes; powder brush.

1. With white eyeliner, draw an oval shape round the eyes, coming down to a little point near the nose. Draw another line below that line, and colour in with black eyeliner. Have the child look up—it stretches out the area under the eyes. Be sure to use gentle, slow movements. Add black eyeliner around the eyebrow area as well.

2. Have the werewolf close his eyes and tilt his head up. Fill in eye sockets with white face paint. For the smaller areas, use a finer brush, so you can get right into the corner of the eye. Ask the child to keep eyelids closed until dry—about a minute or two.

3. To create a furry look, add rough brushstrokes. Start with white paint on the forehead and bridge of the nose, and then under the eye, cheeks and chin. To get some variation of colour, add some darker grey face paint.

4. Blend the colours and add a bit of shading under the eyes with some grey, brown and black eye shadow.


5. Brush on black eye shadow on the tip of the nose.

6. With a fine paintbrush and red face paint, add a few trickles of blood trailing down from the mouth. Who’s ready to howl?

Read more: 12 easy Halloween face painting tutorials 7 DIY Halloween costumes for kids 9 adorable DIY masks

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