
10 Ideas for Dads to Plan the Perfect Mother's Day

Hey dads and kids! Give Mom a Mother’s Day gift she really wants…a break!

By Dave Briggs
Photo: iStockphoto Photo: iStockphoto

Brunch? Overcrowded. Flowers and a card? Unoriginal. Breakfast in bed? Stressful and potential for salmonella. This year, why don’t you give the mother of your children some creativity, thoughtfulness and, most importantly, a break.

These 10 ideas will help you make this Mother’s Day one to remember (for the right reasons).

1.  Take the kids out; leave mom at home

Take the kids to the park, a movie, bowling or anything that will give their mother at least a two-hour break to do what she wants. Radio silence is a must. Unplug everything at home and no phoning or texting her during her two-hour mini-vacation.

2. Plan an activity mom would like to do with the kids

Not all moms want to be away from their children on Mother’s Day. Plan a craft or some simple baking. Make it hassle-free by getting everything ready and cleaning up afterward.

3. Spa day

Make an appointment for her at her favourite spa for some professional pampering. What woman wouldn’t love to celebrate motherhood with a seaweed wrap, exfoliation or Brazilian wax? (Ok, maybe I should have stopped at the wrap.)


4. Take the kids to volunteer at her favorite charity

Not only will you be helping others and giving your partner a break, but you’ll be contributing to something she loves.

5. Plan a picnic for mom

Let the kids help you make her favorite food and pack the basket. Go to her preferred spot.

6. Bath escape

Put a movie on for the kids (or wait until they have a nap) and run a hot bubble bath for your partner complete with candles, a glass of wine, relaxing music and a locked door.

7. Arrange a lunch date with her best friend

Make it a Mother’s Day surprise for two by conspiring with her friend’s family. Then, while the moms are out, get the kids to help you clean the house. Is she nursing? Check out these breastfeeding meal ideas that are sure to impress.

8. Visit a farm

Spring is a great time to see baby horses and cows. Most farms are happy to welcome visitors. If the closest farm is too far away, visit an animal shelter and offer to help care for the cats and dogs. That’s at least an eight on the Awww-Metre.


9. Take the kids grocery shopping

Definitely less sexy than brunch, but she’ll appreciate the effort. Leave mom at home and bring a list. Nothing says I love you like Cheese Whiz, broccoli, spaghetti and handling a tantrum in the cereal aisle. No time for that? Order everything you need for the week from Amazon Fresh.

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10. Let her sleep in

Turn off her alarm (and that pesky toddler alarm clock), leave her a note and some hand-picked flowers and sneak out with the kids for a few hours in the morning. And make sure she's in her own bed vs. the kid's mattress. Three words: Best. Gift. Ever.

This article was originally published on May 01, 2018

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