
This baby's amazing hair has sparked a meme war

You could only dream of having hair like this.

This baby's amazing hair has sparked a meme war

Fact: Some babies are born with hair, while others, ehhh...not so much. But boy oh boy did this baby take the meaning of being born with "a full head of hair" to the next level. And now, it's started a meme battle on Reddit.

It all started when Imgur user Double_Cross_Gender posted a photo of her cousin with her baby. In the photo, the baby's hair is perfectly swept to one side. And when we say "perfectly" we are really not exaggerating.

Since its original posting, people have photoshopped the picture in the most hilarious ways to make the hair match famous characters'. Some of them include Rob Burgundy from Anchorman, Harry Potter, Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation, and even Donald Trump (eeep!).

The reaction from users on Imgur is actually just as funny as the photos. Comments range from "I see a future in politics," to referencing lines from Anchorman like "Stay classy, San Diego."

Photo: Imgur Photo: Imgur

Photo: Imgur Photo: Imgur

Photo: Imgur Photo: Imgur

Photo: Imgur Photo: Imgur

Photo: Imgur Photo: Imgur


Of course, we had to join the fun. Behold Mr. Prime Minister:

Photo: Imgur

Hey girl:

baby hair gosling TP- article

As funny as all the memes are, we're secretly wishing we had hair as nice as that baby's. How would you photoshop this picture?

Read more: Babies with lots of hair! 7 tips for surviving your toddler's first hair cut Sorry Justin and Sophie, but Hadrien is the coolest Trudeau

This article was originally published on Mar 24, 2016

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Emily is a content and social strategist, writer, editor and producer based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in Chatelaine and on FLAREdotcom.

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