
This 4-year-old sobs when dad says she can't see her fave band...Slayer

All she wanted was to rock out to some heavy thrash metal at the iconic '80s band's farewell tour. This may be her only chance.

This 4-year-old sobs when dad says she can't see her fave band...Slayer

Photo: Facebook

Kids tend to cry when they don't get their way. Whether it's pizza for dinner or more TV time, having a parent say no to the one thing they want can really turn on the waterworks. So it's no surprise that this four-year-old girl breaks down in tears when her dad denies her one true desire: to go see Slayer live in concert.

In a video recently posted to Facebook, this father (who goes by a hilariously inappropriate pseudonym on Facebook) tells his daughter that she's too young to go to the heavy metal legends' concert after she quietly admits she wants to go see them (it's cool if you don't know who they are—we didn't until today—but for fans of the thrash metal genre, this band from the '80s is apparently truly iconic and highly influential. To be honest, we're just in it for the cute video. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ). As she realizes that her dad is saying no to her request, she buries her face in her scarf and begins to sob. (Oh why are parents so cruel?)

Now you can probably guess that as a heavy metal band, Slayer's music isn't exactly kid-friendly—here are some titles of their singles for reference: "Hate Worldwide," "Serenity in Murder," "Angel of Death" and "World Painted Blood." That's why it's so freakin' adorable to see this little girl dressed in a leopard-print hoodie and pink gloves sobbing at the fact she's going to have to miss out (which is totally fair since they're currently on a farewell tour and this may be her only chance). Even an offer to go see Cinderella or Mickey Mouse isn't enough to stop the blubbering—this girl knows what she wants and she wants Slayer.

Take a look for yourself and try to tell us this isn't the cutest thing ever.

We love the hysterical look on the dad's face as he tells her that Slayer's music isn't for little kids. It totally says, "Yikes! What the heck did I get myself into?" To be fair, the dad commented in his Facebook post that she's only heard a few guitar solos while he was working at his bodyshop, so she probably doesn't realize the kind of show she would be in for. We're sure if she did end up going to the concert, she'd have the same thought cross her own mind: "Um—What the heck did I get myself into?" The show promises to be horrifying. 


And who knows? She may be a legit metalhead in the future and be able to catch them at a reunion concert. For now, the dad says she just likes the band because he likes it, and if that's not an adorable example of the father-daughter bond, we don't know what is.

Read more: You have to watch this dad talk about feelings with his upset daughter This video of kids talking to a 101-year-old woman is everything

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Kevin is an associate editor for Canadian Business in Toronto, Ontario. More of their work can be found in MSN Canada, Chatelaine and This Magazine

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