
These sister grannies stepped up in the sweetest way for a mom with triplets

It really does take a village to raise a child, as an exhausted new mom of three in PEI just found out.

These sister grannies stepped up in the sweetest way for a mom with triplets

Photo: Hayley Arsenault via Facebook

Taking care of triplets is a lot of work, especially when you’re a single mom. There’s diaper changing, feeding, burping, bathing and dressing to do on repeat—and all times three. The work was overwhelming for Hayley Arsenault, 25, from Tingish, P.E.I., so she posted a plea on Facebook for help with her month-old babies Hogan, Rylan and Finn. Three grandmothers—who barely knew her—came to the rescue

Sisters Jenny MacDougall, Alice Mokler and Anita Arsenault (who's not related to Hayley) just knew that they had to lend the new mom a hand. "Knowing what it's like to have one baby, it's a lot of work," MacDougall told CBC. "When I heard that she had three, I could really understand how exhausting it must be."

The granny sisters come Wednesday mornings at around 9 a.m., so Hayley can get some sleep, and the grandmothers can give quality time to one baby each. They don't mind it at all, in fact they consider the time spent caring for the triplets as a bonding experience, where they can also visit each other.

"I don't see this as a chore in any way," MacDougall said. "For me, it's a gift to come here."

Through caring for the triplets, the sisters feel they have created a special bond with the new family.


"I feel I'm bonding to them and this is the part I like the best," Mokler said. "Being with babies, just to smell them and to hold them."

The trio take care of laundry and house cleaning too.

"To have strangers come in and actually make a connection with your babies is pretty amazing," Hayley said. "They become people that you know and trust and that's the big thing."

And as long as Hayley continues to need the help, the grannies say they will continue to be there for her and her sons.

Grandmothers—what would any of us do without you?


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