Here's to swearing like a mother! Kraft just released a new Mother's Day video that has us crying from laughter and letting out a few f*ck yeahs.
Photo: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese via YouTube
Sometimes you've got let a few f-bombs fly.
In a new Mother's Day ad for Kraft, Melissa Mohr, author of Holy Sh*t: A Brief History of Swearing, shares some tips on how to avoid cursing in front of your kids. The result is a hilarious, and truly relatable, must-see video for any mom who can't help but yell "SH*T" when things go so very wrong.
"A recent study by Kraft Mac and Cheese revealed that 74 percent of moms say they've sworn in front of their kids," explains Melissa. "If you're one of the twenty-six percent who say they've never sworn in front of their kids, you're full of sh*t."
Throughout the rest of the video, Melissa provides useful alternatives for common swears, including (but not limited to) horse-hockey and monkey-flunking. We quite like her suggestion of son-of-a-motherless goat—that just rolls off the tongue.
However, not even this swearing-expert can avoid letting out a few bleeps.
"Nobody's f*cking perfect," says Melissa. "Here's to swearing like a mother."
Now that's something we can get behind. Happy f*cking Mother's Day.
Read more: Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell's daughter is really good at swearing 14 easy Mother's Day recipes 9 new mom lessons from my first year of parenting
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