
Listen up, trainers! Over 80 new Pokémon are coming to Pokémon Go

Dust off that Pokédex and get ready to catch 'em all, trainers! Here's what you need to know about the exciting new Pokémon Go update coming this week.

Screengrab from the new Pokemon Go update

Photo: Niantic

Trainers, are you ready to really catch 'em all? Whether your kids are still obsessed with Pokémon Go or their interest started to wane when the cold weather hit, we're pretty certain they're going to be excited when more than 80 new Pokémon and cool new features are added to the game later this week! Here's everything you need to know about all the Pokémon Go updates:

New Pokémon: More than 80 new Pokémon, originally discovered in the Johto region in the Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games, will start rolling out in Pokémon Go later this week. That means little trainers will finally be able to catch favourites like Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, and more. We'll also start seeing more Pokémon with gender-specific variations, just like Nidoran, who's already a part of the game.

New Evolutions: Got a bunch of Onix but don't know what to do with them all? In the new Pokémon Go update, some of your existing Pokémon will be able to evolve into new Pokémon from the Johto region! (While these aren't all confirmed yet, we do know that those Onix will be able to evolve into Steelix!) Keep your eye out for new Evolution items at PokéStops—apparently, you'll need them to perform some of these new evolutions.

New Berries: You already know that feeding Razz Berries to your Pokémon can make them easier to catch, but now you'll be able to get two new Berries from PokéStops—Nanab Berries and Pinap Berries. If you give a Pokémon a Nanab Berry, you'll slow its movements, making it easier to catch. If you use a Pinap Berry, you'll get double the amount of candy if your next catch attempt is successful.

New Avatars and an Expanded Wardrobe: Because, obviously, your trainer needs to look as cool as you. The new update will let you further customize your avatar's look with a bigger selection of hats, shirts, pants, and more.


Are your kids (or you!) excited for the new Pokémon Go update?

Read more: How to play Pokémon Go with your kids Is this the new Pokémon Go? How to throw a Pokémon party

This article was originally published on Feb 15, 2017

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