
Little girl hugs it out with Justin Trudeau

You've got to check out this touching moment between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and one of his littlest fans.

Photo: Justin Trudeau via Facebook Photo: Justin Trudeau via Facebook

OK, cue the waterworks.

Our boy Justin (JT for short, not Timberlake) was at the Seaport Farmers' Market in Halifax, Nova Scotia on April 2

Naturally, the place was packed with people who wanted to catch a glimpse of the Prime Minister. One little girl in particular was very keen on seeing JT.

Ten-year-old Hannah Aris asked Trudeau for a picture as soon as he came into range. JT agreed and as he lifted up his arm to put around her, Hannah dove right in for a big bear hug.

Hannah, who's a longtime fan of Trudeau, even admitted to the Prime Minister that she's been writing poetry about him since September.


In an interview with CBC News, Hannah explained that she's a big fan "because he lets the refugees come to Halifax and Canada and lets them have a better life, and he's so pretty."

We couldn't agree more. Her dad posted the awesome photo on his Facebook, titling it "Hannah met her hero this morning."

And then Justin posted this photo on his Facebook page!

enhanced-16505-1459642274-1 Photo: Dan Aris via Facebook

JT even called the family a few days later and chatted with Hannah and her dad. Look at her face.

Like, seriously. All the ovaries.


Read more: 8 times Justin Trudeau was absolutely adorable with kids Sorry Justin and Sophie, but Hadrien is the coolest Trudeau Cute toddler can name every member of Justin Trudeau’s cabinet

This article was originally published on Apr 04, 2016

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Amy is a freelance writer and editor based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in publications like Chatelaine, Toronto Life and The Globe and Mail

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