
His son didn't want a big-boy bed, so this dad built him the coolest bed ever!

This little guy wasn't too thrilled about giving up his toddler bed—until he saw what his dad crafted.

His son didn't want a big-boy bed, so this dad built him the coolest bed ever!

Sorry, Ryan Reynolds, but you could learn a thing or two about assembling IKEA furniture from DIY superstar Eric Strong.

Strong’s young son wasn’t thrilled at the idea of getting a big-boy bed, especially if it meant ditching his convertible crib-toddler bed. But with the pressure of another little one on the way, Strong promised to make him “the coolest bed ever”—and he did!

Inspired by his son’s favourite things—jungle gyms, pulley systems, ball circuits and top-secret hideaway spots—Strong built a masterpiece made almost entirely from IKEA products.

Ball chute

Using two sets of the Kura bed, the Trofast storage unit and the Besta shelf, this epic IKEA hack includes everything a kid could ever want in their room (though whether it's safe for a young kid is up for debate).

From the slide to the secret compartment, Strong definitely kept his promise. He even included a hidden passageway—opened by pulling on a disguised book, of course.

Secret Bookcase

The total cost of the bed was about $850, he told the Huffington Post.

Although the video doesn't show his son enjoying his new digs, we're sure that the Strong household will be the ultimate sleepover destination for years to come.

Read more: 9 creative indoor forts > Help! My toddler won't go to sleep!> How to choose the best bed for your budget>

This article was originally published on Sep 28, 2015

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