
Do the stank leg—gym teacher turns hit song into fun workout

Whipping and nae naeing are a part of this Alabama school's gym curriculum.

Naenae_article Photo: Jarred Paschall via YouTube

Jumping jacks, lunges and push-ups have never looked so fun. This viral video of elementary students doing a cardio workout proves that gym class doesn’t have to be boring (or traumatizing).

Jared Paschall, a physical education teacher at Harvest Elementary School in Alabama, noticed how all of his students were obsessed with Silento’s song, "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)"—everybody is dancing to this song, from these cuties to this pregnant mom and her daughter.

Like any good teacher, Paschall found a way to incorporate his students’ passion into his lesson plan. The result? A simple, three-minute cardio workout that kids of all ages and skill levels love to do.

"If I can get students off the couch during their childhood and outside playing or doing heart-pumping activity indoors, then I think they are more likely to live healthy adult lives," Paschall told Alabama Local News.

We adore this workout so much that we think Paschall should make more exercise videos. Perhaps another cardio warm-up to Taylor Swift’s "Shake it Off"? Or a series of stretches to Frozen’s "Let it Go"? The opportunities are endless.

What song would you like Paschall to feature if he makes another video? Leave your answers in the comments below!

This article was originally published on Sep 17, 2015

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