When you're not producing enough breast milk, you'll do anything to be able to feed your baby. Paediatrician Jack Newman reveals if you should try lactation cookies and teas.
With my youngest child, fluctuations in my thyroid affected my milk production, so I turned to the herbs fenugreek and blessed thistle to boost my supply. “We don’t know if these herbs actually increase milk “supply,” says Toronto paediatrician Jack Newman. “They seem to, and many mothers swear by their effect, but the placebo effect of any medication is very powerful.” The website lowmilksupply.org is a good resource. And remember, if your baby wants to feed more frequently that doesn't necessarily mean she isn't getting enough milk. She could be going through a growth spurt or cluster feeding.
Read more:
10 reasons for low milk supply when breastfeeding
15 breastfeeding problems and how to solve them!
Waiting for your milk to come in
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