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Louise Gleeson
Latest from Louise Gleeson
What to do if your three-year-old cries all the time
4 minutes
Can you overfeed a baby?
Parents often worry whether their newborn is getting enough milk, but can you overfeed a baby? Here's what you need to know.
7 minutes
8 ways to connect with your kid after school
3 minutes
Easy Ways to Make Sure Your Morning Routine Works for Back to School
Mornings don’t have to suck. Try these tips and tricks to get your family out the door and off to school without the tears and forgotten lunches.
4 minutes
Kids health
Everything you need to know about growing pains in kids
3 minutes
Family life
My house is messy—and I'm not ashamed of it
There are piles of clean laundry, backpacks not on their designated hooks and baskets of toys. It's messy and chaotic but I am truly OK with it.
4 minutes
Family life
We gave up on nightly family dinners together—and I feel zero guilt
Sick of the stressful dinnertime vibe in our home, I knew it was time to free myself from the pressure of eating nightly family dinners together.
5 minutes
Family life
What to drop off at your friend's house if everyone has COVID
With variants spreading more easily, whole families are coming down with COVID. If you know a family that is sick, here's what they need most.
4 minutes
How I'm talking to my white-passing kids about Asian phobia
5 minutes
Being pregnant
What to expect if you get pregnant while you're still breastfeeding
%%excerpt%% Here's everything you need to know about breastfeeding while pregnant.
4 minutes
Stressed parents, please know that teachers will do their very best for your kids
We're all worried, but we also need to be patient as teachers figure out what works (and what doesn’t) in a school year unlike any other.
4 minutes
Postpartum care
How postpartum doulas can help parents through the first few weeks with a new baby
A postpartum doula can be a huge help during those first few weeks with a newborn, offering breastfeeding support, overnight assistance and more.
4 minutes
How education cuts helped me teach my son to be an activist
The letter my son sent to the province to protest education cuts in Ontario is a sneak peek into his mind—and heart—that I hadn't seen before.
4 minutes
Yup, you’re doing it right: 12 signs that breastfeeding is going well
The early days of learning how to breastfeed your baby can be full of questions. Here are 12 reassuring signs that breastfeeding is going well.
5 minutes
How to do Canada’s Wonderland with kids
Here are some tried-and-true tips (from parents) for having the best day at Canada's Wonderland with kids.
4 minutes
Giving birth
My husband was a disaster in the delivery room (and we have four kids!)
Before you welcome your first baby, you don’t know how your partner will react to the stress of supporting you in the delivery room.
5 minutes
Boys can be dancers, and there’s nothing wrong with that
For these three boys, dance has become an integral part of their lives—and they have the moves to prove it.
9 minutes
Baby sleep
How to get your baby to sleep through the night
Can't get your baby to sleep soundly? Four moms spill what really worked to get their babies to sleep through the night, from cry-it-out to co-sleeping.
11 minutes
Newborn care
Cloth diapers 101
Having trouble deciding between cloth diapers and disposables? Before you choose which approach is best for your baby, here are the basics.
4 minutes
7 breastfeeding tips every nursing mom has to read
Mom of four Louise Gleeson tackles the most common questions with breastfeeding tips and answers from the experts.
5 minutes