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Kristen Thompson
Latest from Kristen Thompson
Toddler behaviour
6 things you should go ahead and let your toddler do
We all want to keep the chaos at bay, but you might be making your life harder by wielding too much control over your kid.
7 minutes
Family life
7 very real fears every mom has about having a second kid
7 minutes
Kids health
Halloween candy: How Three Dietitian Moms Deal With It
They may be healthy-eating experts, but they aren’t buzzkills. Three dietitian moms weigh in on the best ways to dole out Halloween candy.
4 minutes
Tween and teen
Why We Shouldn't Judge Teenagers Who Trick-or-Treat on Halloween
Yes, their costumes appear half-assed, and sure, they may arrive a bit on the late side, but I say give the teens their candy. Here’s why.
3 minutes
Lying Down with Your Kids Until They Fall Asleep is Not a Bad Habit
Soon there will be closed doors and independence, and we will pine for the days when she needed to feel our hand on her back before she could sleep.
5 minutes
Family health
9 questions every parent has about sunscreen and hot weather
Are SPF bathing suits worth it? How long does waterproof sunscreen last? We answer these questions and more.
5 minutes
Family life
Ten things I Worried About When My Kids Were Little that Really Didn't Matter
Hey new parents, don’t overthink it: Here are the top 10 things I worried about when my kids were babies that ultimately didn’t matter in the long run.
7 minutes
Family life
My Screen Time Guilt was Through the Roof—So I Made 4 Simple Changes
Yes, we shouldn’t beat ourselves up for the ways we’re coping as parents in a pandemic. But if you can’t shake that screen time guilt, here are some easy solutions.
5 minutes
A love letter to leggings
They're versatile, comfortable, and a staple of the mom uniform. Oh, and, to clear up any remaining debate, leggings ARE pants.
3 minutes
10 things you and your spouse will definitely fight about in your baby's first year
Caring for a new baby can create rifts in even the strongest of marriages. Here's what parents say are the biggest challenges of the first year.
8 minutes
Baby sleep
The drowsy-but-awake baby sleep advice is pretty much BS
Baby books tell you that to instill good sleep habits, you should put your baby in their crib drowsy, but awake. If that's true, why doesn't it ever work?!
6 minutes
Baby sleep
12 things to stop telling a parent who co-sleeps
When it comes to baby's sleep, there's nothing more controversial than co-sleeping. Here's what parents who decide to bed-share are tired of hearing
4 minutes
‘You’re STILL nursing?!’ and other things to never say to a mom who breastfeeds her toddler
There are plenty of great reasons to practice extended nursing. Unfortunately, society is still largely unaccepting when moms breastfeed their toddler.
5 minutes
Giving birth
This new term for C-sections gives power back to moms
C-section moms are tired of being told Caesareans are something that happen to you, but vaginal births are an accomplishment. This new term changes that.
3 minutes
Kids health
Why I let my kids take mental health days
My daughter may not have to pay a mortgage, but she does feel the burden of responsibility. Sometimes, she needs a break to hit the reset button.
4 minutes
Family life
10 ways your kids are obviously Canadian
4 minutes
Stop shaming me for being a Pinterest mom
We’ve collectively agreed that mom-shaming is one of the cardinal sins of parenthood—except when it comes to moms we perceive as being too "perfect."
4 minutes
If your kids are alive and fed, you're doing just fine
There are no best practices for parenting, working and living through an international crisis. You need to function in whatever way works for your family.
4 minutes
It's time to retire the phrase "breast is best" once and for all
“Breast is best” left me feeling broken, ashamed and exhausted. Those feelings explain the backlash against the exclusive-breastfeeding movement.
8 minutes
An open letter to the mom who feels like she did nothing today
You're wearing clothes you slept in and your art gallery visit turned into a coffee run, but you don't need to prove your worth to anyone—not even yourself.
4 minutes