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Arlene Karidis
Latest from Arlene Karidis
Special needs
6 myths about autism that way too many people believe
There's a lot of misinformation circulating about autism. We asked the experts what parents really need to know to decipher fact from fiction.
5 minutes
Pregnancy health
Do you need to worry about fluoride during pregnancy?
Recent research says certain levels of fluoride during pregnancy might not be safe for your baby. Here’s what you need to know.
5 minutes
Special needs
Everything you need to know about autism treatment
From autism therapies, autism medications and autism diets, here’s everything you need to know about autism treatment and whether there’s a cure.
8 minutes
Could drastically changing your kid’s diet help their autism?
If your kid with autism loves starchy, sugary foods, you might want to make some changes, as there's some real science that links their diet to their behaviour.
9 minutes
Special needs
How meditation can benefit kids with autism
Daily oms can help with anxiety, insomnia and self-regulation—here’s how to teach a kid on the spectrum to meditate.
5 minutes
Special needs
An accurate test for predicting autism in babies could be on the horizon
A promising new diagnostic tool could make it possible to screen babies for ASD, so they can receive offer earlier interventions.
4 minutes
Special needs
What Oprah knows for sure about adverse childhood experiences
The evidence is piling up: we need a drastically different approach to parenting, teaching and healthcare for kids who've experienced trauma.
7 minutes
You'll never guess what these moms' gemstones are made from
Women are commemorating the struggle, the pleasure and the special times spent with their baby with this unconventional jewelry. But is it creepy or cool?
3 minutes
Special needs
Early research shows promise for new autism drug
Researchers are hopeful about a medication under development to treat symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
3 minutes
Special needs
How to help your non-verbal child communicate
When speech doesn’t come easily, your nonverbal child can use other high- and low-tech tools and strategies to get their message across.
7 minutes
Special needs
Visiting the dentist when your kid has special needs
Kids with conditions such as autism, Down syndrome and sensory processing disorder may need extra care to make dental trips a success.
4 minutes
Special needs
When your kid has ADHD and you do too
It's a challenge to parent a kid with ADHD when you have adult ADHD, but it's not uncommon. Here's how many parents learn to cope.
5 minutes