
Did you like your Facebook movie?

Did you make a Facebook lookback movie? Many parents are posting theirs and complaining that they looked cooler before Facebook.


Everyone's favourite place to talk about their kids, Facebook turned 10 the other day (we know, we know—you just read us for the articles). In honour of their birthday, Mark Zuckerberg and friends tried to make us all feel better about the fact that they own our entire photo collection and all our free time by creating a highly emotional movie using an individual's own collection of photos and status updates.

The Facebook movie soon went viral as a concept. Each one was absolutely different, yet the algorithm, graphics and music used to create it were completely the same. I was quite touched by my own movie: a photo of a wintery weekend away when we were still a family of three (and the fourth was a secret in my belly); my kids smothering my face when they were tiny (they're six and nine now); some wedding photos as well as my greatest updates of all time, including, "Out of office on. Going to surprise the kids with a trip to Disneyworld in 15 minutes." I'm not going to lie, I fell for it and shed a few tears at the trip down memory lane.

It didn't take long for friends who are parents to start commenting about how much cooler their lives looked before Facebook. Facebook being 10 means that most of my circle of friends joined around 2007, shortly after the social media site opened up to us "old people." In the past 10 years, we've all had or been having babies, so the photos are of our online baby scrap books, rather than a review of our raucous twenties (and phew, because who would want that?). Their movies reflect their years of parenting, when posting updates about big blowouts means laundry, not a hairdo or a great sale.

Sure, we were cooler before Facebook. We went to rock shows and art shows and films on opening weekend. We travelled and partied and had a wealth of friends right in our living room rather than just on our "wall." We could eat salad in front of the TV at 8pm and just walk out the door at any moment. But were we smarter? Would we have posted moments I'd now consider skanky, tipsy, inappropriate for public consumption? I mean my photo albums from those days are way high up on a shelf because I don't want my kids to see them. Would we have been immune to wanting to share the photos from those days the way we share everything our little snowflakes do on a Tuesday? Would I want to see THAT movie?

I think probably not. I'll take my Halloween photos, my updates about funny things my kids said, my snaps of the fam camping or playing cards. Thanks Facebook. I'm looking forward to how un-cool I'll be when you turn 20.


To see your Facebook movie, log in to Facebook and go to

This article was originally published on Feb 06, 2014

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Nadine Silverthorne lives in Toronto with her husband, two hilarious kids and one self-entitled cat. When not sharing details of her life from her iPhone or laptop, you can find her doing something with food: reading about it, stuffing her face or devising creative solutions to get her kids to stop calling her healthy cooking “yucky.”

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