
Jim Carrey's daughter Jane auditions for American Idol (video!)

And she gets the golden ticket to Hollywood. Surprised?

By Haley Overland

I happened to turn the channel last night and catch Jim Carrey's daughter Jane Carrey auditioning for American Idol!

Jane is a 24-year-old single mother who waitresses for a living — and she's intent on making her own way to stardom, sans her famous father.

As you'll see in the video below, she sang a fine rendition of Bonnie Raitt's "Something to Talk About" in front of judges Jennifer Lopez, Steven Tyler and Randy Jackson. Before she began, though, Jennifer flipped a little — "Do you remember me....? When did this happen!?" — and reminisced about her "fly girl" days on In Living Colour with Jim Carrey, when Jane was but a wee 2-year-old.

Did you ever watch In Living Colour? I swear to you, Gorgeouses, I used to LOVE that show. And JLo was always my favourite fly-girl dancer! So this did bring back some old memories, and it was fabulous hearing JLo talk about it, even if briefly.

Without further ado, I give you the whole audition so you can see for yourself. Jane is adorable! She likely won't go far, but it sure was nice to see her try, and to see her share the news with her dad! "She's amazing," he says over the phone. "I can't wait for the world to understand what she has." Love! Checkit!

Aww, she has her dad's smile, right? Cute, eh?


xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Jan 25, 2012

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