
Guess the celebrity twins! PLUS what do you make of this MAJOR teaser?

HINT: They're adorable! They're photo'd here with the nanny's hand. Can you guess who they are? (Plus more somewhat MAJOR scoop for those of us who grew up in the eighties!

By Haley Overland
Guess the celebrity twins! PLUS what do you make of this MAJOR teaser?

Brian Flannery/FameFlynet Pictures

Check out these two adorable cuties!

Before you scroll down to the bottom to learn who they are, try and GUESS!

I'll give you a hint.

Their mom is often photo'd walking their big brother to and from school....

I'll give you another hint.

Their dad may be starring in a sequel/adaptation of his extremely popular 80's flick.



(That was another HINT!)

OK, checkit!

It's 2.5-year-old twins Marion and Tabitha Broderick! And yes, Matthew Broderick (49) may be starring in a Ferris Bueller sequel, based on this little teaser....

...Or, maybe, as some are theorizing, this means Matthew's simply staying home to watch the Super Bowl (which takes place on 2.5.12 — the date that appears at the end of the video)? Or maybe this means that a big trailer reveal will happen at the Superbowl??? No one knows just yet. But we'll be waiting, kind of with bated breath, because a 40-something Ferris Bueller would be AWE-SOME!

Did you guess the celeb twins right?


xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Jan 29, 2012

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