
Bump watch: Reese Witherspoon in a fitted dress

Look at this little grey dress on pregnant Reese Witherspoon. A-dorbs!

By Haley Overland
Photo by Pablo/Goodwin/FameFlynet Pictures

Photo by Pablo/Goodwin/FameFlynet Pictures

Like every day, it's a busy busy day here at Today's Parent! But this adorable photo of newly preggers Reese Witherspoon, 36, popped into my inbox, and I had to share!

This is the first photo of her since Us Weekly Magazine came out with the big announcement, so it's making the rounds today.

I love the snug, little grey dress under the black cardi, with the high boots (a trend I plan on braving at some point...).

Great maternity look, don't you think? And, not surprisingly, Reese is glowing! Gorj!

xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Mar 30, 2012

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