Smart tips for training while travelling.
A successful potty training experience often depends on establishing a consistent routine with your toddler. Unfortunately life doesn’t always happen in an orderly fashion. If you have an upcoming trip, planned or not, here are some tips to help you and your toddler stay on track before you leave and during your trip.
Photo: Naumoid/iStockphotoIf you have the time and the will, one way you can manage potty training while travelling is to not manage it at all. Instead, consider ramping up your training efforts before you go. Commit to making potty training your priority and get it out the way. If this is approach is successful, a trip is a great way to celebrate this exciting life stage.
Photo: Manley099/iStockphotoYou’ll likely be faced with the task of taking your toddler to a public restroom. Nip fear in the bud by practicing beforehand. Start with a controlled environment. Go to a store at off-peak hours where there is less likely to be a lot of traffic in the restroom. Get your toddler used to the environment.
Photo: Madisonwi/iStockphotoHauling a potty around on vacation isn’t the most practical of ideas. A seat adapter on the other hand, will go a long way in creating a more comfortable experience for your child. Bring it with you and use it whenever you can.
Photo: Gisele/iStockphotoIf you plan to get out and see some sights, be sure to scope out the nearest restroom in every location you visit. You’ll be glad you did.
Regular trips to the potty at home make for successful training. Try to maintain this habit while you’re travelling. Stop the car, visit the airplane bathroom, and stop in the store restroom to encourage consistency while you travel.
Photo: Joli/iStockphotoEven the best-laid plans go awry. Throw a toddler in the mix and there’s no way your trip will go off without a hitch. If you’re not already using an all-in-one training pant like Pampers Easy Ups Trainers, you may want to consider them for your trip. They act just like underwear, but give you absorbency of a diaper. In fact, Pampers Easy Ups Trainers hold up to 25 percent more than the other leading training pant, they’re safe for overnight use. And that is definitely something to celebrate.
Photo: Kais Photo/iStockphotoIf your efforts to maintain your potty training schedule on your trip fall short, be patient. It’s OK if feels like you’ve taken a step backwards. You’ll be home soon and back on track in no time. And then you can celebrate potty success!
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Smart tips for training while travelling.
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