Worried your toddler is lagging behind? Consult our milestones checklist, courtesy of the paediatric-approved Nipissing District Development Screen.
The Nipissing District Developmental Screen is a checklist designed to help monitor your child’s development.
By 18 months of age, does your child:
• Identify pictures in a book? (“show me the baby”)*
• Use a variety of familiar gestures? (waving, pushing, giving, reaching up)*
• Follow directions using “on” and “under”? (“put the cup on the table”)*
• Make at least four different consonant sounds? (b, n, d, h, g, w)*
• Point to at least three different body parts when asked? (“where is your nose?”)*
• Say 20 or more words? (words do not have to be clear)
• Hold a cup to drink?**
• Pick up and eat finger food?
• Help with dressing by putting out arms and legs?**
• Walk up a few stairs holding your hand?
• Walk alone?
• Squat to pick up a toy and stand back up without falling?
• Push and pull toys or other objects while walking forward?
• Stack three or more blocks?
• Show affection towards people, pets, or toys?
• Point to show you something?
• Look at you when you are talking or playing together?
*Examples provided are only examples. You may use similar examples from your family experience.
**Item may not be common to all cultures.
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