Pregnancy planning tips to get you started!
The selection of your physician or other healthcare provider will be one of your first important decisions in planning for a baby. Choose a doctor with whom you are comfortable, whose outlook and treatment of pregnancy is closely aligned with your own beliefs. Referrals from family, friends and other trusted sources are good places to start.
Come to your first visit prepared with questions. You should also be ready to answer questions from your doctor, so you will need to have a good grasp of your own health history.
We suggest you discuss the following topics:
* Helps to reduce the risk of neural tube defects when taken daily at least three months prior to becoming pregnant and during early pregnancy
Exercise Pregnancy is a marathon. Adopting a regular exercise routine now will help you develop the strength and endurance needed down the road. You'll thank yourself later. Regular exercise will help you:
Cut It Out Use this time as motivation to eliminate unhealthy habits from your lifestyle such as alcohol consumption, smoking, and any illegal drugs. Also, if necessary, why not begin weaning yourself from caffeine because once you become pregnant, your doctor may ask you to eliminate it altogether.
Identify Your Most Fertile Days
Predicting your most fertile days can speed your planning process by helping you get pregnant quicker. FIRST RESPONSE™ Ovulation Tests are over 99% accurate in laboratory studies at detecting LH surge.FIRST RESPONSE™ Ovulation Test kits detect your body's LH (luteinizing hormone) surge, giving you an easy and accurate way to determine the two days each month when you're most likely to ovulate. Your LH surge signals that ovulation will take place in 24-36 hours. If you have intercourse within this 24-36 hour window, you should maximize your chances of getting pregnant.
Try the FIRST RESPONSE™ Daily Digital Ovulation Test to help you get pregnant sooner.
Visit for more information.
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