
Diapers That Prevent Blowouts? Tell Us More

How this technology is changing diapers for diaper changers everywhere.

By Today's Parent
Diapers That Prevent Blowouts? Tell Us More
Created forPampers logo

All parents have an epic diaper explosion story that they remember with a shudder and a laugh, because even years later, it haunts them. Why is it that the worst blowouts seem to happen far from your home — and change table — and in front of total strangers?

This is what happened to Breanna Shaw when her family flew to Greece. “[My son’s diaper blowout happened] during landing, when I couldn’t get out of my seat,” the Toronto mom recalls. “I ended up running to the bathroom with a diaper and wipes as soon as we landed.”

She did the best cleanup she could in the cramped quarters of an airplane bathroom, before opening the door holding a (mostly) naked baby. The aisle was crowded with people getting ready to disembark from the plane. And, in between the bathroom and her seat, was an entire bachelor party.

“One of the men said, ‘Want me to pass him?’” Breanna recalls. “And I handed him [my] baby. The bachelor party handed my son along the aisle to my husband. My husband was mortified.”

Diapers That Prevent Blowouts? Tell Us More

Everyone goes into parenting knowing that their baby’s life will involve more than a few blowouts — but the truth is, you don’t truly know how unpredictable it can be until you are elbows-deep in your baby’s 12th diaper of the day.


The good news is that Pampers Swaddlers now come with a blowout barrier that offers an additional layer of security for busy parents on the go. All you have to do is look for the little blowout barrier (read: poop) emoji on the box of Swaddlers and you’re all set.

What you need to know about the Pampers Swaddlers blowout barrier

Providing more than 12 hours of leakage (and blowout) protection, the new Pampers Swaddlers offer something incredibly useful for parents: a separate pocket at the back waist that catches those big explosions before things get messy. Parents can rest easy in the knowledge that they’ll be able to avoid any poop disasters. After all, parenting is already hard enough without the added stress of a diaper crisis.

Designed with the latest advanced technology, Pampers is constantly improving their products. The new Swaddlers with blowout barrier are still rolling out, so products may vary in the coming months as Pampers works hard to offer parents the best possible product for their precious babies.

New Pampers Swaddlers are designed with a Wrap&Protect Waistband that gently wraps around your baby to help protect skin from irritation — and Wrap&Protect leg barriers that protect where leaks happen most. Pampers LockAway Channels lock wetness away for dry, healthy skin while the BreatheFree Liner wicks away wetness, allowing your baby's skin to breathe.

Hypoallergenic, free of parabens and dermatologist-tested and approved, Pampers Swaddlers are available in sizes Newborn to 7.


Keep an eye out for the little blowout barrier emoji the next time you’re out shopping for your Pampers Swaddlers. It just might save you from a diaper disaster.

You can find Pampers Swaddlers (with the blowout barrier emoji) at all major retailers.

Not sure which diaper size best suits your baby? Review the Pampers Swaddlers weight ranges for each size.

This article was originally published on Oct 10, 2023

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