
6 let's-get-stuffed recipes

Check out these recipes for great ideas for stuffed foods. Get cooking, and get stuffing!

By Tara-Michelle Ziniuk
6 let's-get-stuffed recipes

6 let's-get-stuffed recipes

The right stuff

What do cabbage rolls, mushroom caps, baked potatoes and turducken have in common? They're all stuffed, or stuff-able! These ideas will get  you excited about stuff-ables and stuffings. If you're the getting-messy-in-the-kitchen type, you can get your kids to help you stuff.

6 let's-get-stuffed recipesPhoto: Jodi Pudge

Tuna Stuffed Eggs

Part devilled egg, part tuna salad--these tuna stuffed eggs work as an appetizer, lunch food or potluck contribution. Try them with salmon salad too.

Get the recipe here: Tuna Stuffed Eggs

6 let's-get-stuffed recipesPhoto: ARTindividual/iStockphoto

Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms

What could be more delicious than meaty mushrooms? For a vegetarian version, crumble your favourite cheese instead of using sausage (or use T.V.P like this almost-shepherd's pie, if you're looking for a vegan option.) Call the mushroom caps "boats" if you need to and even the most mushroom-hating kids might be convinced to try.

Get the recipe here: Sausage Stuffed Mushrooms

6 let's-get-stuffed recipesPhoto: MoniqueRodriguez/iStockphoto

Confetti Rice Stuffed Peppers

It's a party in a pepper! Pick a pepper of your liking and fill it up with rice and veggies. Served with a salad, you have a meal that's hearty and fresh.

Get the recipe here: Confetti Rice Stuffed Peppers

6 let's-get-stuffed recipesPhoto: Jodi Pudge

Cheese Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes

No one can resist miniature foods! Cooked to perfection, the warm, sweet cherry tomatoes will melt into the salty cheeses. Try it with yellow or heirloom tomatoes too.

Get the recipe here: Cheese Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes

6 let's-get-stuffed recipesPhoto: ivanmateev/iStockphoto

Crab Stuffed Pasta Shells

This meal will be an unexpected treat to whoever is at your table. Use canned, fresh or imitation crab meat, and a pasta sauce of your choosing for a filling and flavourful seafood-stuffed shell.

Get the recipe here: Crab Stuffed Pasta Shells

6 let's-get-stuffed recipesPhoto: LauriPatterson/iStockphoto

Sweet and Savoury Stuffed Squash

Fill an acorn squash with grains, fruit and seeds for an irresistible feast. Substitute couscous with quinoa for a wheat-free version.

Get the recipe here: Sweet and Savoury Stuffed Squash

6 let's-get-stuffed recipesPhoto: photokitchen/iStockphoto

Get more recipes here

8 easy potluck recipes>

6 let's-get-stuffed recipesPhoto: Ryan Szulc

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