
Raspberry Vanilla Yogurt Popsicles


  • Prep Time30 min
  • Total Time6 h 30 min
  • Makes8 to 12 popsicles
Raspberry Vanilla Yogurt Popsicles

Photo: Tony Lanz

These fruity Canada-themed popsicles are a healthy treat made with frozen raspberries and yogurt, and the edible maple leaf decorations are so fun!


  • 600 g bag frozen raspberries, thawed

  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar

  • 1/2 cup water

For white layer

  • 1 1/2 cups 10% vanilla yogurt

  • 1/2 cup water

For decorations

  • 8 pieces of red fruit leather

  • popsicle moulds

  • popsicle stics

  • small maple leaf cutter


  • Boil raspberries with sugar and ½ cup water in a saucepan until raspberries turn mushy. Pour mixture through a fine-mesh sieve into a large measuring cup, using the bottom of a ladle to push out all the liquid and pulp. Discard seeds in sieve.

  • Pour raspberry mixture into Popsicle moulds to ¼-way up the mould. Freeze until layer is firm, about 2 hr. Refrigerate remaining raspberry purée.

  • Whisk vanilla yogurt with ½ cup water. Pour yogurt mixture ¾-way up the mould (over frozen raspberry layer). Insert Popsicle sticks. Freeze until yogurt layer is firm, about 2 hr. Pour more raspberry mixture in until it reaches the top of the mould. Freeze until Popsicles are completely firm, about 2 more hr, preferably overnight.

  • To unmould, dip Popsicle mould in hot water for 10 to 15 sec, or until Popsicles are easily pulled out of the mould.

  • Cut out maple leaves using a small maple leaf cutter on red fruit leather. Carefully place maple leaf on the Popsicle to make a Canadian flag!

Originally published in the Today's Parent July 2014 issue.

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